Pt2 Chapter Nineteen

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"And you kissed him again?" I stared at Charlie, my eyes wide and my face a little puzzled.

"Well, it was more of a tonsil war than just a kiss." Charlie admitted sheepishly and glanced down at her knotted together hands.

"And...?" I pressed forward.

"And what?" She said snappishly. I had been pestering her for the last hour to tell me what was on her mind, and once I finally got it out of her that she'd kissed Josh, twice, I was not going to drop the subject anytime soon.

"And how was it? Was he a good kisser? Sweet or sexy? You've got to clue me in. I'm a hopeless romantic who is stuck on her couch being single. I live for this kind of stuff. Give me every single detail." I grabbed Charlie's hands, halfway pleading with her to voice exactly what had happened at Zayn's house.

"Oh, come off it, Kira. I'm not giving you a peep." She said harshly, but then her mouth curved up in a teasing smile and she spilled. "It was nice. He was great. Really sweet. Happy?"

"Hell no. Keep going. When are you going to see him again? Are you guys together now?" I exclaimed, feeling like a kid on Christmas. I had no idea I was this far off; that I had to beg for romance.

Charlie groaned a horrid sound and threw herself back against the cushions, her eyes glaring up at the ceiling. "Kira, this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. I don't want to be with Josh. Sure, I like him and all, but commitment is just not my thing, and you know that."

"Oh, come on, Charles!" She tossed me a glare as I said the nickname she absolutely hated. "He obviously likes you. And you've gotten have some little niche for him in your heart if you're going to play tonsil hockey with him in Zayn's yard. Face it, there's no one else you'd rather be with." I smiled smugly.

"Kira, please, just drop it. I don't like him, okay? And I don't want to be with him. I don't know why I kissed him, but I did and I regret it. I regret every part about it. I lead him on and I shouldn't have and now I'm just going to have to avoid him for all of eternity." I sighed, defeated.

"Charlie, you can't-" But a knock on the door cut me off. I took one last look at Charlie before I hopped up to get the door. Her expression was a mix of pain and anger, and I knew I shouldn't ever bring up the subject of Josh Devine with her again. No matter how lonesome I knew they both were, and no matter how much I knew Charlie needed Josh more than she thought, I'd have to let her realize that on her own.

I turned the heavy brass doorknob quickly, expecting the pizza delivery guy or the postal man delivering another package, but instead I was met by a small whimpering sound. I looked down at my feet, seeing a small dog crate placed front before my door. I stepped over it, looking from side to side to try and find the rightful owner. When I saw no one, I bent down ever so slowly, not wanting to touch the crate, and peered inside.

I was met with a small bark and a blast of puppy breath. Huddled in the far corner of the cage was a small, grey and white ball of fluff. It peered up at me with the most pitiful baby blue eyes, and I immediately fell in love.

I grabbed the cage and quickly shut the door with my foot, taking the whimpering puppy towards the dining room table and placing his crate at my level. I slowly opened the door and reached inside, careful not to squeeze or pull too hard on the small puppy's fur as I pulled him out slowly.

The little Husky whimpered softly, but then snuggled right into my arms once he was fully out of the cage. I giggled gleefully and walked quickly into the living room.

"Bloody hell! What is that?" Charlie looked up, startled when I didn't come back into the living room with the pizza we'd ordered.

"It's a puppy. Someone left him beside the front door." I rocked the puppy slowly as I sat beside Charlie, cooing to it as it yawned and closed its eyes to sleep. "Isn't he the most precious thing you've ever seen."

Loving and Losing- A One Direction Fan FicHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin