Pt2 Chapter Four

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Having Niall around was weird, but what was even more weird was hardly ever seeing Lizzy anymore. She was either at work, in class, or having a late night date with Niall. It wasn't as if I wasn't happy for her, or even jealous. I just missed her.

So, on December 18th, exactly a week from Christmas day, she surprised me by being sat on the couch when I got home from work.

"Hey, babe." I launched myself on "The Thing" beside her and crossed my legs under me. "What's up?"

"Niall and the boys were having a boys night, so I'm all alone." She threw herself over my lap face down and let out an extremely loud, fake sigh. "It's so awful."

"You've got me." I laughed and patted her head.

"Oh, great." She said sarcastically and sat up.

"Please, you love me." I scoffed.

"That's what you think." She laughed and stuck out her tongue after my bottom lip poked out.

'So, where's everyone else?" I asked as I got up and went into the kitchen. Lizzy followed me and sat on the counter as I preheated the oven. I took out two water bottles, handed one to Lizzy, and leaned against the opposite counter to wait on the oven.

"Tess and Jenna went out to eat after work. Where's Lucy?" She asked as I took a big swing of water.

"She had to go buy Christmas presents." I said and wiggled my eyebrows.

"Ooh, I wonder what she'll get us?" Lizzy smiled.

"Probably calculators and birth control." I laughed and Lizzy cracked up. After our laughter died down, I swallowed more water and looked at Lizzy. "So, how are you and Niall?"

She grinned. "It's great, we're great. I know we said we were over them, and we wouldn't got after them, but he came to me and, he just makes me so happy. I love him so much." She babbled and I smiled at her; maybe I was a little envious.

"He told me Harry talks about you." She said and I almost choked on my water.

"Well, that's not my problem. Like I said, I don't need Harry Styles for anything, especially to make me happy." I said a little harshly.

"He said he misses you." Lizzy said.

"Well, I-" I started but the oven's insistent beeping cut me off. I opened a frozen pizza and tossed it into the oven.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked once we were both in our pajamas and eating pizza on "The Thing."

"Inception." Lizzy squealed as she grabbed the movie from the cabinet and put it in.

I tried to concentrate during the movie, but my mind kept travelling to Harry. Did he really miss me? Did really miss him? Was I truly happy without him in my life?


I jolted awake at three forty seven the next morning. I glanced over at Lizzy  to see she was asleep against the wall in her bed.

I decided I was extremely thirsty, and crept out of our room towards the kitchen. When I opened the fridge, its light cast strange shadows on the walls, and illuminated a lone figure sitting on the couch. I gasped, and dropped the water bottle I was holding on the floor, hearing it roll under a cabinet.

I quickly found a lamp and flipped the switch on, letting it fill pieces of the room in an amber glow. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the light and then I focused on the figure.

Loving and Losing- A One Direction Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now