Pt2 Chapter Twelve

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"And that's the reason why shopping helps me pass test." Lizzy confirmed as we strode through the mall of London. Charlie and I stared at her with wide eyes, because nothing but studying helped Lizzy pass her test.

"Yeah, and Niall is really Australian." Charlie scoffed and I snorted, while Lizzy walked ahead, seemingly never catching on to Charlie's sarcasm.

"I say we go into American Eagle first." Lizzy announced and Charlie and I followed suit. We'd decided since we didn't have classes or work today, we'd go shopping to try and take our minds off of the major tests we had coming up, Lizzy's being the next day and mine and Charlie's in three days.

"Well, I want to go to PacSun after that." I told her.

"Ok, and then Niall is supposed to be taking me to a premiere of some sort, and I really need to find a dress for that." Lizzy said back, and like we'd always done, we'd mapped out our way through the mall passing through every store Charlie, Lizzy, and I wanted to go to.

"I think we should go get our toes done after this." Lizzy smiled and Charlie glanced down at her boots.

"It's winter. Why would we go get our toes done in the winter?" She laughed.

"Well, I swim all year round. So therefore, I need a pedicure." Lizzy said back and I smiled, deciding a pedicure probably would go me some good.

After Lizzy's and Charlie's hands both carried bags, and mine were still empty, we arrived at PacSun, which was probably my absolute favorite store in the mall. We immediately began flipping through racks of clothes until I found a red dress with lacy sleeves in my size.

"I'm totally trying this one." I smirked as Charlie and Lizzy grabbed their own outfits to try on and we made in into the changing stalls. I slipped my sweater and jeans off quickly, and then pulled the ruby red dress over my head.

The dress was covered in red lace, letting the sleeves end past my elbows but showing all the skin on my arms. It ended mid-thigh and clung only slightly to my waist.

I walked out of the changing room to find Charlie and Lizzy examining themselves in the full length mirrors. Lizzy was in an Aztec printed skirt that flowed out behind her, while Charlie settled for a thick cream sweater.

"Damn, Kira, you look hot." Charlie said and I blushed as red as the dress.

"You have to buy that! It looks fantastic on you!" Lizzy squealed as her skirt danced behind her.

"No, it's too expensive, and it shows too much of my thighs." I complained and pulled the hem of the dress down lower.

"So? You're a swimmer. You're thighs are rocking." Charlie said back and I snorted, because my thighs were far from rocking.

"I don't care what happens, you are buying that dress." Lizzy said, and right as the words left her mouth, the first stall on our right opened and revealed a blonde with the same exact dress on as me, only three sizes smaller, and her whole thigh was definitely rocking under the lace.

"Oh my gosh! Kira!" Caggie shrieked, and I could have puked all over the red material we were both wearing. She walked briskly to give me a hug, but stopped short as her as found Charlie standing behind me. "Oh... you."

"Hey! I didn't know this store was called Sluts R Us!" Charlie laughed and I could hear Lizzy's snort as the laugh she was desperately trying to hold in came out her nose. I couldn't help but let a tiny smirk creep across my face.

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