Pt1 Chapter Seventeen

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"Good morning, my beautiful girlfriend." Harry coincidentally walked through the door carrying a trey of breakfast as I was sitting up, stretching.

"Good morning." I smiled through a yawn and got a kiss placed on my lips. "Where's Lucy?"

"Her and Liam are having their very first, official breakfast date, and this is ours."

"I get breakfast in bed two mornings in a row? Are you trying to tell me something?" I smirked as he climbed in beside me.

"Yeah, I'm leaving you for Louis." He said flatly.

"Jerk." I said and took a bite out of piece of bacon. "So, Harold, how's life?"

"It's great. I've got the best girlfriend in the world."

"She must be pretty awesome." I smirked.

We sat in a comfortable silence until we finished our breakfast. The whole time Harry cast loving looks at me between his face-stuffing.

"Kira, we leave tomorrow." Harry said, and I frowned. Of course I knew, but that didn't mean it made it any more real. "So, the guys and I thought it would be good to go out on a group date tonight, girls pick." I knew immediately where we would go. Captain Anderson's- our absolute favorite restaurant since we were kids. It was the only "dress up fancy, strawberries-and-champagne" type of place on St. George Island, but it seemed to hold the most fun memories.

"Of course, but Harry?" I snuggled back under the covers.

"What, love?"

"Can we just stay here all day?" He nodded, and that was what we did. We stayed cuddled in bed, kissing, snuggling, and just talking. It was probably the best thing in the whole world.

At five, we decided to part ways to get ready for out date. I was just hopping out of the shower when the girls trooped into my room to get ready.

"So, Tess had an amazing idea." Jenna said from her sprawled position on my bed.

"Which is?" I asked from the tiny closet, having no idea what to wear.

"We dress like the boys." Tess suggested and I turned slowly to stare at her. Problem solved..

"Tess, you freaking red-headed genius! They'll be so shocked!" I squealed as I pulled out a pair of khaki shorts, a white v-neck, and the navy blue blazer I had gotten from American Eagle.

It took us a good hour and a half to get our outfits completed and do hair, which really was just brushing and, for Lucy and Lizzy, running a straightener through a few times. None of us wore make-up, so that was no bother.

At seven on the dot, we were completely ready and went to the loving room to wait for the boys.

My "Harry" look was completed with original white converse and a bow tie clip in my curls. Jenna looked exactly like Louis in her red skinny jeans, black and white striped shirt, and plaid Toms. Tess was in jean shorts, Nike high tops, a plain white tee, and her own Letterman's jacket from school. Lucy had on a plaid button up rolled to her elbows, khaki shorts, and red converse, while Lizzy was dressed in a red polo, khaki shorts, and white sneakers.

"Whoa, what in God's name?" Louis was the first in the living room, followed closely by everyone else.

"You like?" Jenna smiled. The guys were dressed almost exactly the same, and it was a little creepy.

"I think you pull that look off better than me." Louis grabbed her waist and twisted her a little before pecking her cautiously.

"You look gorgeous, love." Harry wrapped his arm around my waist.

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