Pt1 Chapter Two

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Two weeks into summer break, on Friday June 8th, our tans were perfected and we sat in my living room at four thirty waiting to start a movie marathon. Lizzy, Tess, and Lucy sat on the couch while laid on the love seat, my  legs stretched out and my feet in Jenna's lap.

"Kira, Mr. Chris is out here and he's got something to tell you." My mom, Shana, stuck her head through the back door. If I had to pick a fifth best friend, my mom would defiantly be it. She was the fun, easy going mom the everyone envied.

I groaned and grudgingly dragged myself up from my comfortable position off the love seat. I made my way to a make shift fir pit and stumps my dad had created to allow guests to be comfortable during cookouts.

My six foot tall neighbor, Mr. Chris, was sitting on one stump, sipping a beer, He was about the best neighbor to have, hilariously funny and always the life of the party.

"What's up, girl." He said and fist bumped me as I sat on the stump beside him.

"Sup?" I cocked my head upward cheesily and laughed.

"I got a surprise for you and your friends, if you want it." I raised my eyebrows, telling him to continue.

"Well, I'm working a One Direction concert tonight, and I've got five extra tickets if you want to go." My eyes widened and I stood up, hand covering a mouth that was way past hitting the ground.

"You're joking. There's no way you can be serious." I stated, barely processing this. I knew Mr. Chris was a security guard for a number of placed, and he had met many celebrities, but I never thought I'd get invited to a concert by him.

"I'm not," he said with a light chuckle. "But, I'm leaving in thirty minutes so you;d better hurry." I sprinted inside and grabbed the closest girl to me, which happened to be Jenna.

"Hurry, girls, get dressed. We're going to a One Direction concert in thirty minutes!" I shouted and Jenna squealed and hugged me.

"Are you serious?" Tess asked and the three on the couch stood up. I nodded at Tess, still beaming while Jenna continued to jump around.

"We only know one song by them." Lucy said.

"And tonight was our movie night." Lizzy added

"Then we'll go to the concert to listen to one song, and just think about how jealous people at school will be." I argued and pushed them all to my room.

We spent the whole thirty minutes getting ready. Jenna and I made sure our curls were perfected while Lizzy, Tess, and Lucy made sure each strand was stick straight. None of us wore any make-up, except Tess, who needed mascara for her ginger eyelashes. Besides, we liked the natural look, and for athletes, make-up was too much of a hassle.

We threw on whatever clothes we thought were concert appropriate and checked each other over for an last minute touch-ups. Lucy was dressed as vintage as her name in dark washed jeans, red high tops, and a dark grey loose shirt with The Beatles and the band members' silhouettes. Lizzy wore jeans and flip flops with a purple t-shirt stamped with a tiny green polo emblem. Jenna was in navy blue shorts and a lacy white top. Tess accompanied white denim shorts with a light blue shirt that slung off her shoulder and I was in red shorts with a plain white V-neck and my black Toms.

I was sat in the passenger seat of Mr. Chris truck, while the other four were crushed into the back seat. We rode for forty-five minutes, laughing and screaming the whole way to Atlanta, Georgia. When we reached the areana where the concert was, I saw thousands of girls, screaming around the entrence. Most had posters proclaiming their love for One Direction.

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