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*9 Months Later*

"Harry, where are my little diamond earrings?" I shouldn't across his house. I was clomping through the hardwood floors, trying desperately to find the finishing touches to my outfit.

"These?" I almost bumped into my well dressed boyfriend, showing off the dangling jewels in his hand. "Come on, love, or we're going to be late."

I grabbed his hand, letting him lead me out into the brisk December air. I tugged the coat he offered me closer as Harry opened the passenger side door for me and helped me climb in. Careful not to rip the floor length, aqua dress I was sporting as he closed the door.

Once the car was cranked and the heater blasting, we set off down the little road that connected Zayn and Harry's houses for our Christmas Eve party. The ride was short and sweet, and Harry quickly helped me back out of the car and into Zayn and Tess' house quickly.

"Kira, you look amazing!" Jenna cooed as she strutted past with her cousin, Jamie, by her side. I complemented them both back before they disappeared into the crowd of guest.

"Come on, sweetheart, let's dance." Harry said, pulling me into the crowd and spinning me around, just like our dance in the rain, almost nine months ago.

A lot had happened in that nine months. Jenna and Louis moved in together, as well as Tess and Zayn, even though Tess pregnancy turned out to be a false alarm. Shortly after Harry and I got back together, they left for their American tour, although once they had a show in Atlanta, we were immediately flown out to see them and our families.

We passed all of our classes at school, and were now stuck in the middle of our Sophomore year at the University of London. Charlie became an even closer member to our little group, and decided after Tess and Jenna moved out, she'd move in with us at our little apartment, to save money and stuff.

Charlie and Josh finally got around to hooking up, months later. She'd come home at around three in the morning, cawing about how great Josh was in bed. And slowly, their no strings attached policy became a perfectly stringed relationship, where they argued all day before deciding they couldn't live without each other.

Niall and Lizzy were the happiest couple in the world. He took her on an expensive trip to Australia weeks back to celebrate their one year anniversary, and we were all dying to see the expensive gift he was providing the next day.

Liam and Lucy were completely, totally, and madly in love. They would spend long hours at nights in Lucy's room of the apartment, sitting cross legged on the floor. Liam would strum his guitar, and had even written a few of the songs on their new upcoming album on that floor, as Lucy would craft endless sketches and half-drawings of him deep in thought to his music.

Our party night came to a close late that night, once all the guests were pushed out the door and we were all sat in various places on Zayn and Tess' living room. We were exhausted, our feet hurting and are muscles sore from too much dancing.

"Merry Christmas!" Louis shouted, echoing around the room. We glanced at each of our clocks, seeing the time ringing out midnight.

"Did you guys see Jamie and Andy dancing tonight? He even offered to take her home." Jenna said from her place on a single plump chair.

"Gosh, more couples? I'm going to be sick from all the happiness." Charlie groaned playfully from Josh's lap and we all laughed cheerfully, drinking eggnog laced with alcohol and sugar plums dancing in our heads.

I wasn't sure where the next few years were going to take us. But, looking up into the curly headed, deep green eyes of the love of my life, I hoped it would be everywhere with him. And that went for all of us. Of course, roller coaster come to ends, and this whole journey had certainly been a roller coaster, but at least, when we'd gotten off, Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and even Josh had been there on the exit platform, waiting to take us into their arms.

The End. Oh my gosh, I'm crying because that was the end to my first book! This is the happiest/saddest day of my life! But thank you all for your support and love for this story! It means so much! I love you all:) xx BTW, picture on the side is Jamie, Jenna's cousin:)

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