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Eccedentesiast (n.) Someone who hides pain behind a smile

"Pain ia not always in tears. Sometimes it's present in smiles."

Amara's POV

"Come on, Enzo" I laughed. We both ran down the hall almost late for breakfast. His fluffy hair blew with the wind passing through as we ran.

I always love Enzo as my best friend. He and I share something we can both understand. Neglecting parents. We both are rich beyond compare and yet we are denied the one thing we want most. Loving Parents. Feeling wanted. We've been friends since 1st year. Other than my other friends he is the one I truly feel comfortable around talking about this topic.

Living in a mansion with no one there other than the butlers and maids. I have a pet and sometimes I talk to him but other than that I have no one. No siblings, no family who live close. My cousin's think I'm a freak for having these powers. No one else in my family has magic. They all find me odd. My father and mother gave me everything. Money, luxury, a life. Yet now they rarely talk to each other and when they do hell breaks loose.

"I'm not ready for Potions class.I can't believe we have that first in the morning. I have to stay awake while listening to the new Professor Slughorn talk" I groaned.

"At least it isn't Snape's boring monotone voice. And Slughorn was a teacher before. Remember" Enzo chuckled.

"I just don't like potions. Period" I rolled my eyes.

"But you're so smart. You read a lot and pass every test with high flying colors" Enzo waved his hands high being dramatic as always. I laughed as we entered the great hall. Lorenzo pulled me into a side hug and kissed my forehead.

"You'll be fine" He whispered. I chuckled and sat down.

We all ate breakfast and headed to Potions class. Zara sadly isn't in our class since she is perfect; she has some extra meetings before class starts. We have potions with the Gryffindors. I never had a problem with them. I think the rivalry is stupid. I don't really associate with them much though.

"Alright class please find your seats so we can start. We'll first learn about powerful potions" Slughorn rasped as he walked to his desk. I found the cauldron at a table. Blaise, Consonance, me and Lorenzo stayed at one table together. I placed my books down on the table.

"Now class. Amortentia. Mind telling me what it's purpose is?" Slughorn shifted to his desk and stirred something in his cauldron. I raised my hand knowing what it is. Also noticing Hermione Granger raised her hand up tp.

"Miss, Kay is it? Tell me what Amortentia does" He pointed at me.

My hand went down, "Amortentia is the most powerful love position. It's rumored to smell like the person you find most attractive"

"Brilliant. Mow Amortentia doesn't create real love, no. That's impossible. It makes a very powerful obsession" Slughorn ranted on. "Would you, Miss Kay come up and smell the potion.

"Sure" I shrugged. I walked over and looked at the potion. It's colors are pink and red sparkles. Reminds me of Valentines day. I took a whiff of the smell and it smelled familiar.

"Expensive cologne, cedarwood and sage" I said. I walked back to the table.

"I'll pick three more students to come up and smell the potions. Just to give it a bit more of an example why not to use it" Slughorn chuckled. "Berkshire, Nott, and Granger please come forth. And please tell the truth.It's not my first rodeo in this class so I know when you're lying."

Bloody hell. For an old man he surely is craving some drama in his life. I'm guessing other students lie about who they truly love. Why does he want the truth? Don't know.

"I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste" Granger's voice trialed aff and went back to her table with Weasley and Potter.

"Lavender and flower perfume" Theo shrugged. My jaw dropped a little. I know for a fact that I don't wear any flower fragrance. Who smells like lavender? I felt the jeliust rush through me. He walked over to the table and looked me in the eye as he went to his cauldron.

"Mr. Berkshire. Your turn" Slughorn said.

Enzo stepped up and sniffed the potion. All I could do is glare at Theo in anger of what he just smelled in his Amortentia. I mean the potion only smells the person who you think is attractive. Not the one you love. And I love Theo. He loves me. We can both think someone else is attractive, right?

"Muggle perfume, raspberry and roses" Lorenzo said. I didn't pay enough attention. I heard he walked back and just ignored Theo's amortentia.

"What the hell Theo!" I shouted at him. As soon as our break started I dragged him up in my dorm and started shouting at him.

"What wrong, Amara! I don't know who it smells like! And even if I did, why should it bother you? I can't find someone else attractive?" He shouted back.

"I'm perfectly fine with you finding others attractive but it's just Amortentia has its ways of predicting who someone loves! And I love you Theo! It breaks my heart knowing you might love someone else!" I cried in my voice but not my eyes.

"You're being completely ridiculous!" He scoffed. He sat down on my bed looking at me. "You're completely paranoid and afraid."

"Me?" I raised my voice. "How am I afraid! Afraid of losing my boyfriend?"

"You're afraid because your little bratty princess a** doesn't have her mommy or daddy ever there for her to love her!" He snapped. My eyes widened. I felt my heart break with his words. Hearing it rang in my ears over and over until the one tear dropped. But I completely wipe the tears away cause I refuse to cry over someone.

"Get out" I said in a low voice. You can hear the hurt and venom I feel in me.

"What?" He stood up.

"I said get. Out" I raised my voice. He shook his and I saw his fist clench wanting to hit someone. Why is he mad? Of all people he's mad?

"If you want to go hit something outside. Go bang on something to let your anger out" I looked at him in the eye. He huffed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I didn't flinch with the door slamming.

I didn't cry. Nor did I feel sad. The anger and hurt I felt piles up into one volcano that I felt in myself. Not letting it explode out. I walked over to my dresser and opened the bottom drawer. Under my clothes I took out a small bottle I got from my family's wine cellar and a shot glass. I opened it and pore one shot and drank it. Feeling the taste.

I hid the bottle and looked in the mirror. Touched up some makeup and walked out like nothing happened.

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