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Achroous (adj.) colourless

"So much of what we learn about love it taught us by people who never really loved us" -r.h. Sin

Weeks passed. Now we're all last minute packing for the train to go home for the holidays. Everyone of my friends are going home and I decided I should too. It won't be any different. I'll be by myself like always. No difference.

After the Founder's Ball me and Enzo haven't been talking. Everyone in our friend group is practically mad with eachother. Constance and Rolf started dating a week after the Ball. They went to Hogsmeade for a date and came back, making it official. I'm happy for Constance and she seems happy too. Though sometimes I feel like she's faking it.

"Guys I'll be back. I need to give this back to Rolf" Constance held a shirt in her hand as she walked to the door.

"Just keep it. The bloke has many of those" Zara rolled her eyes. Zara and Constance got into a fight. It's pretty complicated but Constance kept scolding her about her behavior after finding her to make some first years cry. Zara doesn't like being told what to do or getting scolded. I leave her be. I know her behavior is bad and attitude but it's how she copes. We all have our ways.

"I never asked for your opinion" Consonance rolled her eyes as she opened the door.

"Well I never asked for yours!" Zara shouted but Con couldn't hear since the door closed before she could. Zara sighed heavily and flopped her head back down on the pillow, twirling her wand.

Blaise is dating Lovegood now. We all don't mind her. Besides Malfoy. Constance and Blaise have been distant but talking a bit. Not for long thought. Both pretend to be happy for each other however you can see the jealousy in their eyes. Sometimes they even say something. Malfoy has been on and off. He's doing whatever he does. Bullying Potter, shagging Parkinson or Astoria. Who knows.

"You two seriously haven't worked it out?" I turn my head to her as I fold my clothes.

"Have you and Enzo? Oh, right. I forgot you're jealous of him and his new girlfriend" Zara said back. Ever since the ball Mavis has been hanging around us. Everyone hates her and thinks she's an annoying tick. Well except Malfoy. I've seen her hawkeye him from time to time while Enzo is not looking. MALFOY even flirted back with her.

"You know you can be a real b*tch, Zara" I scoffed.

"At least I know how I feel. You can't last a day without looking at Berkshire and he with you. Honestly why is he dating that self obserob American? He was drunk when he decided to date her right?" She sighed. "Poor bloke just too nice to break up with her."

"Though I'm pretty sure she fancies Malfoy as well" I muttered.

"I already have Enzo a bruise for upsetting you. I can jinx him til the end of holiday" She smirked. I chuckled. I replayed our conversation right now and realized what she said.

"Wait, what do you mean how you feel? Who do you fancy?" I turn my body and arms crossed. She realized what she said and stopped twirling her wand for a second.

"What are you going on about?" She continued, playing it off.

"Oh come on, Zara" I walked over to her bed and sat down. "Stop pretending. I know what you said, don't tell me who you fancy?" I knew if she didn't want to answer I should leave it but I'm going to try and get an answer at least.

"No one. I don't fancy anyone" She rolled her eyes. "Everyone in the world is daft and deceiving. You can say it for yourself."

"This is not about me. This is about you. Now come on. Spill it" I looked at her seriously. She gave me a look and groaned. I knew she wanted to tell someone. Or she would shout or be mad at me so I leave her be. I gave myself a small grin.

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