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Philophobia (n.) the fear of being in love and falling in love

"Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes power."

**Hey everyone. I just want you all if you want to go watch this yt vid if ya'll feel the sad vibes of this book. It's called: Death, it's a rough one on Marielle Jorgensen channel!! or  watch Grief, loss, pain (same channel). Honestly just go check out the channel it's amazing.  Oh and if you want a sad song to listen to during reading the sad chapters I recommend Dancing with your ghost, Lovely, and Hold on. I'm sure you will know the artist who sings it but yeah. Alright. Off to the chapter.**

Lorenzo's POV

A Week After He "Died"

I thought when I saw the flashing green light it meant I could go. That I was no longer in the thread of life and the threat broke for me. That my fate was done. And I would get my forever peace.

But I was wrong.

The drops of water echoed.

All I saw was black.

It's in my blood.


So noble and pure.

My eyes slowly opened. Seeing only a small light. Barely keeping it's brightness. The shadows overpowered it's creator. Without light shadows don't exist. Yet shadows are taking their master down. I realize how cold it is down here. A chill wave through my body, goosebumps came.

My body ached through me. Like I just woke up from the dead and came to join the living once again. Unfortunately. I slowly sat up and my setting looked familiar.

I'm in Malfoy Manor.

In the cells under Malfoy manor at least. I saw this place when I was a young curious kid. As soon as I heard a loud clunk I ran back upstairs never looking back. Never wanting to visit this place again. It's still how I remember it.

My heart felt an ache as well. Amara. Questions jumbled in my head. Wondering if she's ok. If she's safe. If she's in pain. She probably thinks I'm dead. But I'm not. I'm not dead. I'm perfectly alive. How am I alive?

Cold bitter steps came from the slippery wet stairs. I could recognize the shoes. And who wears them. Mother. I see the shadow come closer from behind the gate keeping me inside the cells. I feel no cuts or see any blood on me. Just pain from inside.

"Oh goodie. The boy is finally awake" Mother giggles. Two others are behind her. I recognized one of them in an instant. Peter Pettigrew. He had his head lowered as he whimpered in fear.

"Open the door, rat" She ordered, bitterly. Pettigrew simply obliged and jangled with the set of keys in his hand. The other person next to my mother is a girl. I had never met her before.

"Hurry up you animal!" Mother shoved Pettigrew onto the gate growing impatient. Soon enough Pettigrew unlocked the lock. He slowly opened the gate for mother and let her walk in and so did the girl.

"Thank you" The brunette muttered to the scared man. He only nodded. Mother walked inside and closer to me. Her tall shadow towering over me. A piece of her tangled hair fell on her face making her look insane. She is insane.

"Lorenzo, darling. How are you feeling? '' She tilted her head with a mocking smile. Pretending to care. I felt anger boil up in my blood. I didn't answer her question.

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