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Sciaphilia (n.) a love for shadows.

"Her demons wanted to be seen, his wanted to be tamed."

3rd Person POV

Amara passed out before she could respond. Mattheo clicks his tongue shaking his head looking at the girl.

He carried her to his bed and laid her down softly. He took off her shoes and placed them neatly on the floor. Mattheo reached for the comforters of the bed and put it over Amara, having her warm and peaceful.

He ran his hands through his hair as he looked down at the girl. His finger brushed her gentle skin, moving a hair out of the way. Matthew notices her lashes and every part of her face. Her long eyelashes made her eyes pop out even more from her green eyes. She only wore mascara and highlighter on her nose.

Mattheo's eyes moved to her lips. Her lips are pink and plump. Perfect. Mattheo's star gets interrupted when Amara moves to her side facing him.

"F*ck" Mattheo cursed under his breath. He had a lot of things in his mind. First of all is his father, fear, anger blew inside of him just thinking about him. And the task he was given.

Mattheo went to his bathroom and took a shower. He stripped off his clothes and stepped in. The hot water fogged the clear glass. His hair became wet and he ran his hand through his hair with shampoo. The water ran down his shoulder to his biceps. Other droplets ran down his chest to abs.

He got out and dried his hair up as well as he could with his towel. Some droplets still went on the floor. He wrapped his towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom to grab his clothes.

Amara was still fast asleep. Mattheo heard her light breath as she dreamt away. He grabbed shorts from his drawers and put them on. He didn't like wearing a shirt to sleep so didn't bother.

Mattheo's room had three beds. Amara hardly notices it since the last time she came and woke up she was too buddy yelling at Mattheo. Mattheo had the room all to himself so it didn't really bother him having three beds. He connected all three to make one big bed.

His wand sat on his nightstand always somewhere within reach. The brunette boy walked to the other side of the bed. On his nightstand also laid a journal with a pen next to it. Usually it would be on the desk in the room but he likes writing in bed too. He would accio it to his reach from the desk.

Amara was in the left slide of the bed far away from the right. He got under the sheet and leaned against the headboard. He took his journal and pen and started writing.

"P-please" A soft voice pleaded. It took him a moment to realize it was Amara. He looked at the girl and see she turned on her other side no longer facing the wall but now him again.

"No. Don't leave me to" Amara whimpered. Mattheo saw her clutching on the sheets in a fist. Her brows furrowed and eyes shut closed in a scare.

She's having a nightmare, Mattheo thought. Her hair was out of her face and he could see her expressions.

"Dad, y-you stopped loving me" She cried with her voice. "W-Why did you stop loving me?"

Mattheo's lips parted seeing this scene. He usually isn't the type to care at all or even have sympathy over others' pain. He was taught to relish in people's suffering. Knowing that they are weak and vulnerable to prey on.

Mattheo's heart felt like it beat for the first time. It was like a gear stuck for the last eighteen years of his life and this one special piece is helping it move again.

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