
426 9 5

Halcyon (adj.) clam and peaceful, happy, prosperous

"The world didn't deserve a shattered fragile soul like her. It crippled her until she consumed all the darkness in it."

I sat down on the floor of the astronomy tower. The stars shined. I found a perfect dress from a muggle boutique in Italy. My mum picked it out and I just said it was fine and to send it. She also said how annoying it is that Hogwarts doesn't use phones.

I was drawing in my sketchbook. Honestly I felt like my whole body wanted to scream. I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs to let out all the hurt and pain I felt out. All that I drew in paper didn't help. I wanted to cry. Non stop crying. I'm being a dramatic girl. I got it from my mum.

I heard someone sounding angry as they came up. I didn't move but just stayed quiet. I saw a familiar fluffy hair at the top. Enzo didn't notice me and he suddenly punched the wall. He sounded like he was sobbing. My jaw dropped seeing him in this state. I've seen him cry before. Obviously but he's never really been the physical type.

"Enzo" i placed my book and pencil down on the floor and stood up. His head turned and he realized I was there. A piece of hair fell on his face and I saw him gulp.

"Sorry, Amara. It's just been a long day" He rubbed the back of his neck. I quickly took his hand and saw it bleeding on his knuckles.

"You really need to talk to me more" I rolled my eyes. I took out my wand and mumbled a healing spell.

"You're the one to talk to," He chuckled. I furrowed my brows and looked up at him. His small grin turned into a frown seeing my expression.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I raised a brow now.

"Oh. No I didn't mean it like that. Sorry Amara. I'm just... stressed" He said. I put down his hand and pulled him in a hug.

"Wanna talk about it?" I muttered.

"Mommy and Daddy issues," he said. It made me chuckle. Even sad things can make me smile. He can even make himself smile.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Eh, I could be better" I shrugged. His eyes narrowed at me.

"You know I know you're a good liar but I know you. Did something upset you? Or perhaps someone?" He took a step closer. I crossed my arms and rubbed them.

I knew he would be understanding. He's rarely seen me cry. We usually just talk about our problems and stuff. Right now I just felt all my emotions heightened and jumbling together. Like lava piling up and a volcano finally needed to rage. I've kept everything inside me bottled up. I didn't even cry when Theadore cheated on me. Or when I felt the disappointment in my mother even though she's done it so many times.

"No" I start tearing up. "I'm not ok, Enzo. I-I feel like my whole body wants to scream. Like I'm in a black hole where no one is and I just can't scream or cry. I want to feel nothing but I can't."

He didn't hesitate to pull me in a hug. Tight and passionate one. I wrapped my arms around his torso. I felt safe when he's around. Like I can actually be me.

"You can talk to me, love. I'm always here for you" He whispered. Pools of water dripped from my eyes. It felt so good to finally cry. Having all the anger and rage I felt towards Theadore.

"I have some crappy parents who don't give a damn about me. I feel sometimes that I'm just a thing that they made and just shoved off because of their immature fighting" I cried. I knew I should have let him talk about his feelings and problems and I am. I will. I care about Enzo more than anything.

"Your mum isn't coming home to see you isn't she?" He said. I slowly nodded. He sighed and placed a kiss on my head. He knew about my parents and how they are. I knew about his and who they are as well.

Why do I feel so at peace with him?

"I'm sorry, love. You don't deserve this. No kid does. Not me, You, Zara, any of our friends deserve a crappy life because of our parents" He pulled away a little. He lifted my chin to make me look into his now dark eyes that are glimmering in the moonlight.

"You deserve the world. And one day you'll meet someone who will give it to you" He whispered. I gave a slight smile with his words. But then a reality look.

"I don't want the world, Enzo" I shook my head. "The world is messed up. Cruel, evil, rubbish. I want serenity. Tranquility. Love. If I would want the world it would crumble me in pieces. However peace will sustain me. Like what you always do to me."

"You give me peace as well, Amara" I felt his hand on my waist. I never love the Romeo and Juliet story. And this story isn't it. We aren't Romeo and Juliet. He doesn't even fancy me. Though every breath I'm taking, standing near him the feeling grew more.

Does he feel the same?

"Only in death you will find peace" He looked at me, making my words sensible.

"Then til then you'll be my air to breath. And as I to you" Our faces leaned closer. Our lips touched together. It started slow then moved passionate. I felt a rush through me. Like fireworks were in the back booming. He pulled my waist closer to him and my arms wrapped around his neck.

Suddenly a thunder abruptly came. I jumped from the sudden boom. I wasn't expecting that. And I wasn't meaning that when I said fireworks. Me and Enzo's forehead were together as we laughed.

"Let's go before we catch a cold!" Rain started pouring and coming in the astronomy tower since there are no windows. I nodded. I quickly ran and got my sketch book with his thankfully dry. He took my hand and we ran down and back to the common room.

I felt young and free.

AHAHAHHA!!! I don't know how to feel about this chapter. Do you think it's too Shakespearean? Or is it too much for being just friends (For now)? I feel like this should be in the future. Idk. Let me know your thoughts.

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