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Tacenda (n.) things better left unsaid matters to be passed over silence.

"When she's silence she's deadly."

Two weeks passed since I finally made fire. I've been making objects move and fly everywhere. Learning my reflexes and taking control of them. Honestly I did well for only two weeks. Mattheo said we'll start using charms and spells with my powers.

He's a good teacher.  Sure he gets under my skin with his arrogant talk and everything. I've got to see him in a more calm way since  we always practice at night. I've been getting less sleep but still up to date with my lessons.

I like training at night though. It's better than staying up all night thinking and crying. Having nightmares. I prefer to tire myself out now. Then I won't have to think about Lorenzo or his death. The scar is still there. My scar. No one can see it but I'm just waiting for it to reopen.

Mattheo threw a knife at me and I quickly dodged it. But it almost cut the side of my cheek.

"No! Don't move so predictable damn it. If you made the wrong move I would've slashed your face and it would leave a scar!" Mattheo groaned in frustration.

"Sorry" I muttered, irritated hearing him yell at me like that. I hate it when I get things wrong and people make me feel more dumb. I'm not an idiot. "Why do I need to learn how to avoid a knife? We have magic for Merlin's sake!"

"Be prepared for anything, Kay. Not all witches or wizards rely on magic" Mattheo answered, twirling the knife in his hand. I grumbled and stood in front of him.

"Go ahead" I sigh.

"Only in death will you find peace, Amara Kay" Mattheo smirked. He threw the knife but I was caught off guard. His words played in my ear.

"Only in death you will find peace" He looked at me, making my words sensible.


The knife flew to me and I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Seems like Mattheo doesn't have a good aim. I gasped and due to the pain fell on one knee. The knife was drugged deep and blood went on my jeans.

"Sh*t, Amara" Mattheo ran quickly to me. I bit my lip timidly to reduce the pain but it hurts like a b*tch. Mattheo looked frustrated with himself. He didn't know what to do.

"I'm going to pull the knife out ok. Then heal you with some magic" He put his hand on the floor. I nodded. He looked hesitant to touch the knife knowing it would hurt me.

"Just do it, Mattheo. It hurts" I seethed through my teeth.

"Alright, alright" He said. "Hold on my shoulder when I do" I don't hesitate to oblige. He touches the knife handle and quickly pulls the blade out. I squeezed his shoulder, almost digging my nail through his shirt.

I fell on my a** and sat down. A deep cut showed. Mattheo grabbed his hand and started muttering a spell. Blood rounded up and went back into my cut.

"What in f*cking earth happened, Amara. I thought it's common sense to always keep your guard up" He said in an angered tone.

I can't tell him why I really blanked out. Either way he would read my mind and know.

"How about you use those psychic powers and find out yourself" I shot back. He gave me a glare and shook his head, turning his attention back on my cut.

"There" He said, bitterly. I took a look and only a rip was on my jeans. But no blood or any cut.

"You used a good spell. Thank" I said. He muttered something and stood up. I for one stayed sitting down taking in everything.

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