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Execrable (adj.) extremely bad' detestable

"I realize the person who healed me, broke me like no other."

Lorenzo's POV

I looked at Amara as she laid asleep. Her back facing me with her toned skin shining in the sun that was peaking through the curtains.  Her bare skin exposed with nothing but the thin white blanket covering her.

My diary in my hand as I wrote. I took time looking at her admiring how peaceful she looks. Her brown hair perfectly falling as she shifts through her sleep. No words that I can think of can tell someone of how much I love her. I would go to the ends of the earth for her.

I couldn't fall back sleep. Seeing as I'm woken up so early. I've been trying to distract myself from everything going on that it's all piled up in my dreams. I hated it. my mind conjured up horrible scenes that I wish to never see in my life. My mother. My father. Voldemort. Everything.

The only person keeping me together is her.

As summer slowly approached i looked forward on spending more time with her. We only dated for about four, three months however it felt like it's been forever. I guess that's how all new relationships start off. Amazing and hot at first and slowly becomes normal. I don't think Amara can ever be just normal. She's unique. She's so in depth with the world. How she talks is like poetry.

She's like poetry. Little small words with a big meaning. When she talks to me with such little words to me it feels like she said a whole story.

Amara moans as she slowly wakes up. She turns her body facing me with the blanket covering her chest.  A smile slowly creeps on her face. Soft and warm. Like spring.

"Morning" She greets.

"Morning, love" I place down my diary and quill on the side table and lay back down. She moves her body closer to me. She lays her head on my chest. Her body was warm and sent butterflies fluttering.

"You're never up early. What's wrong?" She asked. My finger brushed her arm back and forth. I felt goosebumps arm snake around her waist.

"Nothing, love. Just didn't want to sleep" I sigh.  She knows I'm lying.

"Liar" She said in a irritated tone. I chuckled.

"Just a bad dream ,darling. No need to worry" I answered. I love Amara. However even though we know so much about each other we still have so much more to learn. I don't want her worrying about me. She's already stressed with exams, her mother and father bugging her, etc. I should be least of her problems. I'm the one who should be helping her.

"As a matter of fact I do need to worry, Enzo. There is obviously something bothering you and you just push it away. You're fears are messing with you" I felt her eye roll. There she is at it again. 'You're fears are messsing with you'

Little amount of words, big meaning and the truth.

"It's fine, love. I swear" I assured her.

She took a deep sigh, "Alright. If you say so" She lifted her head up and faced me. I see her beautiful forest green eyes. "If you need to talk I'm always here."

"i know, darling" I chukled once again. She nodded convincingly and laid back down. I thought to myself again and the only thing I can hear is my mother's evil cackles. And Amara getting hurt.

Later on, night time

Lorenzo and I walked down the corridors late at night. The stars were displaying their beautiful shine in the dark blue night. Clouds were no where to be found.

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