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Selcouth (adj.) unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous.

"Did goodbye mean letting go and did letting go mean forever?"

Amara's POV

"Of course I would, Mattheo. You know I would" I chuckled and gave him a hug. A warm tight hug. Mattheo chuckled and hugged me back. I felt my heart grow more each day.

"Now" I pulled away. "I need to get ready for class. I have an partner exam in potions and Blaise won't forgive me is I mess it up."

"Alright" Mattheo nodded. I got up and headed to the drawers to get my uniform before I go to the bathroom.


"Did you think we do good on the exam?" I asked Blaise as we both walked down the hall.

"Of course. Me, a genius on potions and you amazing in directions we did great" Blaise assured. I grinned and turned to the right for to join Zara, Luce, Draco and Mattheo in Herbology while Blaise turned to join Chase and Constance in astronomy.

As I turned my body bumped into someone. I look and see Pansy. Of course. Theodore was behind her as well. I notice her skin was in an angle and Theo's shirt was all frilled. His hair was all shaggy too.

"I'm not going to ask" I shook my head.

"I wasn't going to answer anyway, Mudblood" Pansy scoffed. I found it amusing that she still thinks I'm a mudblood. I have no problem being one but it's pointless to call me or anyone that name.

"Why do you always have to be such a b*tch?" I asked, irritated. "I mean I what did I really do?"

"Like you're ever innocent. You act like this good popular Slytherin princess but your not. More like Marquess of the mudbloods"She snickered.

"Pansy let's go. We'll be late for astronomy" Theo groaned.

"Fine" Pansy humphed. Walking pass me.

"You can pretend to hate me, Pansy but I know deep down in that cold heart is a good person" I yelled as I walked away too.

I took a seat on the stool in between Mattheo and Lucille. Professor Sprout started talking about the lessons and a new project coming up.

"Now your projects will be thirty percent of your grade and counting your N.E.W.T. exam. I expect good work and team work as well. I'll be pairing you into three groups" She walked around the greenhouse classroom.

"Let's see now" She hummed. "Longbottoms, Crabbe, and Flint. Weasley, Goyle, and Bulstrode. Whitmore, Kay, and Zabini, and our only partners Malfoy and Riddle."

Draco scoffed and Mattheo eyes rolled, Zara rolled her eyes too due to bordom. I shrugged with no problem as Lucille pouted. Honestly I thought Draco talked some sense into Lucille.

"Now let's begin on the inteructions."

Everyone packed their books and I placed my papers orderly in a folder then my books in my hand. I walked to Zara and Lucille who were already talking.

"I was thinking we should go to the library and get started on the project. There are many books we can use so we can start with the essay part" I suggested.

"Fine by me" Zara shrugged.

"I guess" Lucille said.

"Ladies" Draco came by us and put his arm around Lucille's waist then placing a peck on her lips. I smiled at the couple.

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