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Paramnesia (n.) a disorder of memory in which dreams or fantasies are confused with reality

"Stuck in between reality and fantasy is too hard do differentiate. Especially when in pain."

Amara's POV (Summer Past)

Change, Change, Change.

Exact definition is to make a difference. I'm different. Everyone is.

Pain changes us. Pain changed me.

Throughout my life I've been brought up as a princess. I had it all. The fortune, the grades, the friends, cars, clothes. I got it. I had my family for a while until since I started Hogwarts everything went south.

And one major change broke me.

Constance's POV

"Is everyone ready?" I called from the front door. Zara and Blaise apparate in front of me

"Why the rush, love?" Blaise lightly chuckled as he placed a kiss on my cheek. My heart fluttered like a butterfly. I didn't feel different at all. I'm sixteen now and going to my sixth year. I hope it's not as bad as last year. At least I had my friends to help me. All of them are seventeen now.

Malfoy had his birthday in June and Amara's in August just a few weeks ago. They didn't celebrate though. We are still healing from Lorenzo's death. All of us are. Blaise and Chase try to cheer us all up.

I cared about Lorenzo a lot. He was like a brother to me. A better brother than my own. He would help me with homework when we were younger and he taught me how to ride a broom without being flipped upside down or stumbling into some trees.

Zara is her normal self. Always in a mood or having no emotions at all. But I feel like she's just hiding everything. She is. I know there is good in her. And she just needs to find someone to help her seek that light she's been missing for so many years.

"Let's go to our last year of Hogwarts! Whoo" Chase cheered as he walked in the foyer. I noticed he was eyeing Zara a bit but she didn't notice. She was looking out the window at the drizzle that's happening outside.

"Where's Amara?" I raised a brow.

"She's upstairs. Malfoy said he'll be meeting with us at the station" Zara answered in a monotoned way, like always.

Malfoy stayed with us for a week but decided he'll get in trouble if he stayed any longer. I haven't seen my family this whole summer. And frankly I don't want to. My brother is a new death eater and who knows what he and my father has done. I was grateful to make my escape before I became one of them.

"Amara! Come on! We're going to be late!" Chase shouted. I rolled my eyes at the blond boy.

In the corner of my eye I saw Zara looking at me for a split second. She noticed I saw her and turned away pretending to be looking at something else. Odd.

"I'm coming. Damn" You can hear Amara's steps down the stairs and she entered the foyer. She dragged her trunk and placed it on the floor next to her.

During the summer we all watched over her. She will mostly stay in her room and never  eat. It's not until the end of July we got her to eat some food. Then she started going on and promising to come back. And she did. But every time she went out something changed.

Her eyes are no longer that vibrant green. It's now a pale green with no life. Like a withering leaf ready to die for the winter. Her hair is no longer the light brown and she added blond highlights. Don't get me wrong. She looks beautiful. However I don't see why she wanted this new wardrobe change all of a sudden.

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