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Toska (n.) a immense ache for nothing and everything all at once; an anguish from the bottom of the heart.

"What if I never forget you? What if all my life when I meet someone new I can never fall for them because they aren't you."

"Wake up sleepy head!" Someone threw a pillow at my face. My eyes opened and I saw Zara crashing her body on her bed. Constance combing her hair. I get all my memories back. The party. Bloody hell that was a good party. I must've gotten drunk and found my way back here.

"Where were you two?" I raised a brow, throwing the covers off me.

"Ask Con" Zara muffled on her pillow.

Constance turned and gave me a half happy, half guilty look. I wondered what happened. "Blaise broke up with Luna."

"W-what? Why?" I stood up. I walked over to my dresser and took out a pair of comfy clothes.

"In tha party we played truth or dare. You Blaise to kiss the prettiest girl in the room-"

"I'm sure I heard beautiful" Zara cut off. "You guys were lound ok."

"Anyways, Luna got upset and her and Blaise got into a fight. He broke it off. Then well..." her voice trailed off. I already can guess what happened next. I turn and look at Constance with a sigh.

"Tell me you did not get knocked up by Blaise Zabini and cheated on your boyfriend" My arms crossed. She bit her lip nervously. I saw tears pooling in her eyes. "You did, didn't you."

"I'm sorry! It just happened! We did it in our room and I made him leave before any of you came. But then Zara saw him walk out and saw me trying to get out of the bed clothless" she cried.

"It's not that hard putting the pieces together" Zara rolled on her back. I shot her a glare to be more sensitive. She only put her hands up to surrender. I pulled Constance in a hug. She cried on my shoulder as I rubbed her back. I just let her take it all in. I couldn't believe that she got with Blaise. I thought she would at least do it right and not have a boyfriend.

"Amara w-what do I do?" She sobbed quietly.

I thought, "You have to break up with Rolf. If you really love Blaise and he loves you then be together. Either way if Blaise likes you or not leave Rolf. It's not right. Or tell him."

"It would- I would break his heart" She pulled away.

"That's the price I guess" I shrugged, looking at her sympathetically. She turned to Zara. Zara looked at both of us.

"Don't look at me. I say stay with Rolf. My brother is not worth it" She said. I had a feeling she's only saying that because she much rather have Constance with someone else than her own sibling. Especially since she likes Con.

"Not helping, Zara!" Con cried. She ran out of the room obviously frustrated. Rolf is a good person. I see why it's hard to break his heart. However it is wrong to lead someone on like that when you like or maybe even love another.

"Really?" My hands fell on my side, "You could've been a little more sensitive there."

"I'm sorry. I-I just got mad" She sighed. I rolled my eyes and walked to the bathroom. The start of the day and my afternoon just got worse.


Lorenzo's POV

I'm an idiot!

A daft idiot!

I love Amara.

I should've told her. But I was afraid she wouldn't love me back. I realize that I love her during the holidays. After non stop thinking about her. I wanted to give her my present in person but never got the f*cking courage to. Then I was planning to find her alone but she always had her friends there. Now she has left and I need to find the right moment. I can't stop thinking about what Narsissa told me over the break.

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