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Nefelibata (a.) One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination; an unconventional person

"They who dreams by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." -Edgar Allan Poe

"What should I wear? Do you think Blaise will notice me on this top?" Constance put a top over her. It was green with some leaf design and a long v-neck.

"It's not even a fancy party, Con'' Zara rolled her eyes and put on clear lip gloss. She just wore something simple. She had black sweats on with a forest green crop cami and a black zip up hoodie. I wore something simple too. Leggings with an oversized Slytherin hoodie.

"Just be yourself, Constance. I'll make sure he'll notice you" I put on a silver hoop earring.

"Fine" She groaned.

We all sneaked down to the boys common room. Goyle was standing on guard making sure the coast was clean in the hall in front of the boys room.

"Move, Goyle" Zara playfully pushed him out of the way and we all chuckled. The door opened and you can see the boys already starting the party.

"Yay! The girls are here!" Blaise started dancing to the music playing on the radio. Surprisingly he took Constance's hand and twirled her around playfully. I saw Constance giggle and blush like a 11 year old.

"It stinks here" I scrunch my nose and walked over to a window. Malfoy and Enzo were sitting around on the floor and bed. I unlocked a window and opened it to get some fresh air. I never fancied the smell of muggle herbs.

"Want a drink, Amara?" Enzo handed me a shot glass with a drink in it.

"Thanks, Enzo" I smiled and took it. I drank it and placed it down on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Another?" He asked.

"No" I shook my head. "One is my limit for the day."

Malfoy snickered. I just rolled my eyes and took a seat on Enzo's bed. Crabbe was laying down looking at the ceiling as Goyal tried to open a bottle. Zara simply was dancing with Blaise and Constance to the music.

"Come on, love. Wanna dance?" Enzo asked, his hand out. I shrugged and took his hand. He twirled me around and held both of my hands. We pulled each other near and we both laughed.

"You two look so cute" Constance whispered as she passed by and then Blaise talked to her. I'm glad she's getting the attention she wants and I didn't have to lift a finger like I said.

"I love when you smile, darling" Enzo smirked.

"Oh please. You love it when everyone is happy" I rolled my eyes. He twirled me once more and pulled me to his chest. His hand was around my waist like in a ballroom dance. He tucked a hair behind my ear

"However you're not like everyone" He whispered. I looked up and met his light honey eyes. I always knew Lorenzo was cute but I've noticed how this year he looks hot.

Really hot

"Right" I chuckled, nervously and pulled away. "I-i'm gonna go have another drink."

"I thought you said one is your limit" Enzo chuckled, running his hand through his fluffy brown hair.

"Well tonight isn't really a rule following night" I backed away and walked over to the shot glass and bottle. I saw Malfoy glaring at me with an upset expression. He sat in front of the bottles as he took a sip in his glass.

"Mind handing me the bottle?" I held my glass.

He scoffed, shaking his head and got up. "Get it yourself, mudblood" He stood up and hit his shoulder hard on mine, making me drop the glass. The glass broke on the floor and pieces fell.

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