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Charlie Burns slammed his hands down on Mayor Luskey's desk in frustration.
"You did what?" He nearly shouted.
Mayor Luskey was now sweating nervously with an awkward smile on his face, compared to his prideful one from earlier.
"I let a new family move in on the island. More people would be good for our economy!" He explained.
"And you didn't think to ask us first? This could be dangerous, if they found out about the bots who knows how they'll react!" Charlie exclaimed.
"They seemed like quiet people. It'll be fine." Mayor Luskey brushed him off.
"Just because they seem like quiet people doesn't mean they are." Charlie turned on his heels and left Mayor Luskey's office, he couldn't take this anymore. That fool was always doing something to put his family at risk!

According to Luskey, the new family had the surname "Min" and had been here for a week already and lived deep in the woods away from town. The only reason Charlie found out is because he saw some unfamiliar kids in the park, and when he asked a young girl where their parents were she told him that they were at home and that they had just moved there.

"Chief Burns! What will our next course of action be?" Chase asked as they drove home.
"I'm not sure, we'll talk about it with everyone else when we get home." He said.

Charlie called the rest of the Burns family down to the basement to discuss this new development.

"Eh, it's not really a big shock that Luskey would do something like this." Kade said nonchalantly.
"But still, this could turn out pretty badly." Graham added.
"He could've tried to ask instead of going behind our backs." Boulder said sadly.
"It's absolutely absurd!" Chase exclaimed.
"Yeah, they could be exposed to the world as aliens!" Dani said.
"What are we going to do? I can't go to jail!" Blades panicked, already making up worst case scenarios in his head.

"Woah slow down, nobody's going to jail, we'll figure this out." Heatwave assured him.
"I don't know." Blades doubted.
"What are we going to do dad? Do we have to tell them or get them to leave the island somehow?" Dani asked.
"Tch! If I didn't have a job to do, I would've left ages ago! This island has a new disaster every week!" Heatwave complained.
Charlie's eyes seemed to light up a bit, he was starting to get ideas, but he'd have to plan things out first.

"Heatwave, try to get in touch with Optimus. Until he tells us what to do we shouldn't start anything with them." He said.
"Alright, got it." Heatwave said.
Kade sighed, "Great, does that mean I can go now? I'm starving." He said.
Charlie rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure go ahead, meeting's over." He said.
Kade immediately ran for the kitchen and Graham and Dani went off to do other things, Cody stayed behind though.

"Even if they could be dangerous, it couldn't hurt to get to know them. People do tend to be more lenient with people they trust." He spoke up, scratching at his right temple.
"I'll keep that in mind Cody, don't worry too much about it." Charlie said.
Cody nodded. "Okay dad."

Cody jogged up the stairs back to his room and as soon as he hit the bed he started texting Frankie to tell her about what was going on.

When he was done, he flopped onto his back and turned his head to the side to look out of the window, letting his blonde hair fall onto his face over his eyes.

"This is gonna be a rough start." He thought. Hopefully, nothing too crazy would happen.

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