I Have to Tell Him

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Seojun had been mopey pretty much the whole week. Going on walks just didn't feel the same anymore. Sure, he had people that he could trust, but this one felt different. He always wanted to be closer to him, show him his world and make sure he was okay. But it's likely that would never happen, now that Cody was giving him the cold shoulder.

It was Sunday now. It was a dreary and rainy day which really tore up his mood. He decided to just take a nap and wait out the storm. He didn't care much for rain on earth, it made him tired. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt more peaceful than he had in a while.

Seojun stood in front of the shore. The wind blew through his hair as he breathed in the salty air. He felt that unsettling feeling of someone staring at him. He looked over and saw Cody standing next to him with a smile on his face. “What?” Seojun asked. Cody smiled harder. “Nothing.” He said mischievously. Seojun raised his eyebrow at him. “Okay?” He said.

He realized that he wasn’t wearing a compression patch and did a double take. Cody was still smiling up at him. “You’re not scared of me?” He asked. Cody looked confused. “Why would I be scared of you?” He asked. Seojun chuckled. “Don’t worry about it.” He said. Cody pulled him closer by his shirt collar and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re so sweet.” He said. Seojun looked away from his eyes. “You’re just saying stuff now.” He mumbled. Cody giggled and poked Seojun’s dimple. Seojun rolled his eyes and hugged him close.

After that, Seojun woke up. He quickly realized that it was a dream. Dreams and visions feel very differently. Dreams are effortless and half of the time you don’t even remember them. Visions take a toll on your mind and while they’re not always coherent, they stick with you until the event actually happens.

He fake gagged in response. What was he thinking about that for? He was just trying to sleep. His mind flashed back to all of the other visios he had had. “Wait a minute.” He muttered. His eyes shot open and he realized…

Oh, I’ve never thought of any of my other friends like that.

He held his head in his hands and folded his lips in his mouth.

I am so fucking stupid. How did I just not notice? How?

How long had he even liked him? Did Cody know? Did Cody like him back? Was he going to tell him?

After he felt like he was going to explode from this sudden realization, he decided that he had to spit it out to somebody. Unfortunately Kerchek was at work, so he decided to go for his next oldest sibling. Vashti.

Vashti was blunt and irritable. She was someone you went to when you wanted the truth or if you wanted to be put to sleep. He stalked through the house and found her room door wide open. "Figures." He muttered. If she wasn't here, he could talk to Vileah, but she was hyperactive and a terrible listener. He wasn't about to give up on Vashti yet. He decided to look for her in the yard and found her sitting by the firepit. He walked up to her and she looked at him with disdain. “Hi.” He said softly. “What’s up kid?” She asked, giving him a head nod and shifting her sitting position.

Vashti was a tall girl with long golden brown locs in a big lopsided bun on top of her head, brown skin on the lighter side and big black eyes with monolids. She was slim and sat leaning forward with her legs open.

“Um, can I talk to you?” He asked. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Talk away Ju-Ju.” She replied. Seojun sat down on the log across from her. “So, you know the guy I had visions about recently?” He asked. She clicked her tongue. “That one human kid?” She asked. “Why does everyone ask that? And yes.” He said. She nodded. “Yeah I kinda know who you’re talking about.” She said. “Kinda?” He asked. “Well I’ve never actually met him, just heard about him from you and the other kids.” She replied. (Other kids meaning their siblings.)

“Oh yeah.” he said. “Um anyway. So I was just thinking today, well I thought about him a lot recently because he doesn’t really wanna see me right now.” Vashti listened surprisingly closely and nodded along with his words. “I want him to trust me, but I realized I want it a lot more than I thought I did. Not just in a best friend way but like something stronger.” He paused. “I think I like him.” He said. Hearing himself say that made it feel all the more real. His face immediately heated up after he admitted that. He looked at Vashti for her reaction.

Vashiti clicked her lighter and looked at him like he was an idiot. “Congratulations dipshit, you’re officially the last one to know.” She said harshly.

“Ouch.” He said. He pointed at the lighter in confusion. “Why do you have that?” He asked.

She gave him a mean look. “If you even try to tell mam about this I’ll fucking wipe you out.” She said.

“....I wasn’t going to, I was just asking.” He murmured.

She opened her eyes wide and clicked it again. “Oh, then I guess we’re cool.” She said.

“You’re mean.” He said.

“You say that like it’s something I don’t know, Seojun.” She replied slyly.

Seojun looked at her with wide eyes and fidgeted with his hands. “I know Kerchek already told you this, but if you want him to trust you you gotta tell him the truth.” She clicked her lighter again. “Not only that, but you can’t force him to trust you or like you back in that way if he doesn’t. Just be patient and let him come to you if he wants.” She advised.

He sighed. “But I really want to talk to him again now.” He said. “I know. You can ask him to talk again if you want, but if he tells you no, just take it.” She said. “What if he doesn’t want to talk to me ever again?” He asked, hugging his knees close to his body. She shrugged. "Then that's his loss. You should stick with people that actually want you around." She replied. Seojun nodded. "Okay, thanks Vashti." He said. She nodded. "You're welcome. Now go away." She said.

Seojun chuckled and backed away "Okay, okay. I'm leaving." He said. "Good. And I better not hear about anymore drama for at least a week." She said. "I'll try!" He said.

Now that he'd talked to her despite her attitude at some points, he felt a lot better. He walked back up to his room. All he had to do now was gather his thoughts.

As detailed as he could get them, he took the time to write down his truth on paper. When he was done it was two hours later and 8:42 at night. "I hope it's not too late." He said to himself. Nervously he texted Cody.

/Sorry, I know you don't want to talk to me, but I wanted to actually tell you the truth about me. Any chance you could hear me out?

He hit send. Now all he had to do was wait for a response.

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