Origins: Part 3

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After walking around so much and being around all of the people in the store, Cody was pretty tired and ready to relax at home. “You’re not gonna show us what you got?” Dani asked. “I’ll do that later.” Cody said, carrying his bags upstairs with him.

He flopped down on his bed, he was about to take another nap, but his curiosity got the better of him. He wanted to see how his new clothes looked on him. He hadn’t had enough time to try them on after all.

I’ll just try on a couple things.

Eventually, he forgot that he was tired because he kept trying on new clothes and seeing how they looked with other ones. He couldn’t help but smile at his reflection in the mirror.

The black leggings were cute on him, but if he ever wore the outside of the house, he’d probably wear them with one of the longer shirts that he had gotten.

He grabbed a shirt without looking and slipped it over his head. He quickly realized that something was off with it. It was the yellow shirt he had gotten earlier, which turned out to be an off the shoulder crop top when he put it on.

Oh shit. How'd I not notice this?

What am I supposed to do with that?

Maybe I can slip it into Dani’s closet and hope she doesn’t notice?

It looks kind of good on me though.


Cody jumped in shock and turned his head towards the door. Seojun was standing in the doorway, awkwardly leaned over holding the doorknob with his left hand and having his notebook tucked under his right arm. His eyes were wide open and his lips were pressed into a straight line.

“I forgot to knock.” He said. His voice shook a bit and his cheeks were slightly red. He was obviously flustered.

Cody was completely shocked. “Why?” He said unsure of what else to do. “I didn’t really realize it until I already opened the door.” he said. Cody facepalmed and sighed. “Whatever, just shut the door before anybody sees me.” He said. Seojun shut the door quietly.

“What? Why wouldn’t you want anyone to see you?” He asked. “Because this was a mistake, I’m not supposed to have this. I thought it was just a pretty shirt, not th- I dunno.” Cody rambled. Gesturing to his clothes. “Well, it is still pretty at least.” Seojun said as he migrated to the chair in front of Cody’s mirror. Cody folded his arms over his chest. “Thanks.” He said. Seojun nodded awkwardly. “So, do you still wanna hear the story or not?” Cody sat on his bed. “Yeah sure, go ahead.” Cody replied.

Seojun cleared his throat. “Okay, so as I was saying, my family and I traveled to the capital city Kubo.” He said. “My parents were very tense during the entire trip, it took them about a week to get there and they were worried about how her father would react to this. It was better to come to him first though, it would be much worse if he sent an army after them.” He turned the page and skimmed his notes and continued. “After a week of traveling they reached the capital. My grandparents and my mother’s siblings were waiting for them at the palace doors." He said.

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