What Should I do Now?

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Notes: When texting


*This was supposed to come before the last chapter I posted, but I fucked up the order. Sorry. 😅

Cody was gonna be out of school for three weeks.


It sounded unbelievable. Sure it was so he could have a little more time to recover enough to go back, but what was gonna do to entertain himself during the day? All of his friends would be in school, and his family would be at work, so he’d be alone. Maybe he could work the command center or something. It was Friday after school, someone would probably answer. He decided to consult the groupchat.



Oh great, Frankie changed the chat name again.

(Anybody here?



/I'm here

(Okay cool.

(So, I'm gonna be out of school for three more weeks. 😶





_Shut up!

/Why aren't you coming back Cody?

(Medical leave.

/Oh okay, that makes sense.

+Did I miss something?

(No one filled her in?

_Were we supposed too?


(To sum it up, the accident hit me harder than I thought it did. So I'm staying home for a little while longer.

+Oh okay, got it.

(But the thing is. I have no Idea what I'm gonna do while everybody's gone!

(It's gonna be so boring.

_Damn that's tough.

(Frankie! 😭

+Why don't you just go to work with your family?

(I don't wanna do that though.

/Go for walks?

(I'll still have a boot on, walking's gonna be a lot of work.

_Argue with people on twitter

(I don't wanna get doxxed.

+Have an internal crisis?

(That's the last thing I need!

/Run away to the mainland?

(Okay, now you guys are just messing with me.

_Only a lil bit.


(You guys are very unhelpful. I'll find something to do one my own.

          _Cody has left the chat_

/So...does anybody have a pencil?


Cody frowned and sighed. "Assholes." He muttered under his breath. He wasn't actually mad, but he had actually wanted some ideas. Oh well, he was perfectly capable of finding something to do on his own. As long as it wasn't strenuous, he probably couldn't handle anything strenuous right now.

"Where should I start though?" He said to himself.

He decided to make a list of things to try before he had to go back to school. He thought for a moment. "Well, I could learn how to actually do and cut my hair." He muttered. He put cutting it at the top of the list and styling it second. "Yeah, that's a good start." He mumbled.

He watched a couple videos looking for things to do when you’re bored. It was more disappointing than he thought it would be, because to him it was just stuff that would keep him entertained for a few minutes, or he just didn’t want to do it.

He decided to take a break from thinking and do something else.

He hopped downstairs and grabbed an orange off of the counter. Kade, Dani, and Graham were sitting at the table eating snacks as well. “Hey guys, what do you do when you’re bored?” He asked. “What made you think of that?” Dani asked. Cody shrugged. “I was just wondering.” He said.

“I like reading a new book.” He said. “Classic Graham answer. Do you do equations too?” Kade teased. Graham rolled his eyes at him. “I go flying with Blades, or practice my cooking.” Dani said. “I ask Haley if she wants to hang out, and sometimes I’ll watch wrestling.” Kade said. “Okay cool.” Cody said. He went back upstairs after that, for the most part he didn’t wanna do any of that, but going to the library and getting a new book to read sounded fun enough. A good book could keep him entertained for days. So that was next on the list.

After that, he had a few more ideas. He could get Seojun to tell him more of his story after school. It had been four days since he had last heard anything and he really wanted to know what happened next. So that was a good option. He could find a new show to watch, binge watch a series, reorganize his room, read shitty fanfiction, and go back to using his rainbow loom. That was enough for now, it looked like a pretty good list.

Though he was going to get his cast off tomorrow and go shopping, so really he didn’t have to start doing anything until Monday or something like that. Hopefully, these three weeks out of school would be good enough. Now, he was gonna try and sucker his dad out of his paycheck.

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