Working late

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On Wednesday Cody and Seojun were in the library after school printing out the miniature buildings. The project was due the coming Friday and they were almost done. They just had to actually build the model and write a short paragraph describing where everything is.

Cody was working the printer and Seojun was putting things in place to make sure they had everything before they started gluing things down to the cardboard town.

"How's it going over there Seojun?" Cody called from the printer over to the nearby table where Seojun was working at.

"Pretty good so far." He said.

"Noble." Cody responded.

After everything was printed, Cody sat across from Seojun and helped him adjust the models and glue things down.

"You're pretty good at this." Seojun said.

"Thanks, I like building things so that's probably why." Cody replied.

"I like drawing and reading." Seojun said.

"Noble! Maybe you could show me some of your art sometime?" Cody exclaimed

"Shh!" Ms. Lima hushed him harshly.

"Sorry." Cody whispered.

Seojun chuckled. "Yeah, I'd like that." He said.

Cody decided to type up the paragraph and Seojun added little finishing touches to the model.

"I think we'll definitely get an A on this one Seojun." Cody said excitedly.

"Mm-hm." Seojun muttered.

"So who's taking it home?" Cody asked.

"Not me. Too many kids at my house." Seojun answered. His voice was starting to slow and drag out, but Cody hadn't noticed that yet.

"Pfft! Okay, you can trust me with it." He promised.

"Mm." Seojun murmured.

Cody took a minute to type before talking some more. Seojun was completely silent when he was done proof reading it.

"Seojun?" Cody said. Instead of an answer, he heard light snoring. He looked past the monitor of his laptop and saw Seojun still sitting across from him, fast asleep with his head down on the table.

Should I wake him up? He looks so peaceful though.

Seojun's eyebrows which were often furrowed, softened up in his sleep. His face was also relaxed enough that Cody could only see his dimples if he shifted and the steady rising and falling of his back was calming.

Is this weird? I mean, I'm just kind of staring at him.

He turned his head to the left in his sleep and Cody saw something he hadn't noticed before.

Wait, he has fairy ears?

Instead of a typical curved shape to the shells of the ears of most people, his were flat and pointed slightly at the end. Cody had a huge soft spot for unusual features on people.

Cody leaned on the desk with his head in his hands and sighed. He tapped Seojun on the ear, just to wake him up of course. They were done with their project, so it was time to go. In an instant Seojun grabbed Cody by the arm, taking him by surprise. He almost yelped, but somehow remembered they were in a library and shut his mouth.

Seojun looked up at him with his chin resting on his arm. "Oi.." He muttered, his eyes puffy and his voice lower and softer from sleep. He said something else loud enough for Cody to hear, but he didn't understand it because it clearly wasn't in english.

"What?" Cody asked.

Seojun rested his head to the right, still holding onto Cody. "A nap won't hurt, I'm sleepy." He said, releasing his hold on Cody. Cody smiled and rolled his eyes. "You sure?" He asked. Seojun nodded with his eyes closed. "Definitely." He murmured.

To be honest, Cody was also feeling a little sleepy too. Usually he just takes naps at home though and not in public spaces, but joining Seojun for one was really tempting right now.

Cody sighed. "Why not?" He mumbled.

He laid his head down on his closed laptop with his arms mostly around his head with the top of his head against his wrists. He listened to the silence of the library and soon fell asleep himself.

Not long later he felt someone shaking him.

"Not now." He murmured.

"Yes now!" Kade said harshly just above a whisper.

Cody sat up with his head in his hands and looked over at Kade who had his arms foldered over his chest and looked rather cross.

"Really Cody?" He said.

Cody chuckled sheepishly, scratching behind his left ear. "No?" He joked.

Kade breathed in through his nose. "Dad was about to patrol the town looking for you, and then I get a call from Ms. Lima saying you and your buddy here fell asleep in the library." He shook his head at them. "Is this a new thing the kids are doing?" He asked turning to a still sleeping Seojun as well

Cody shook his head. "No, we were just tired." He said. Kade rolled his eyes at him. "It's 7 o'clock, wake him up so we can get him and ourselves home." He instructed.

"Okay." Cody replied.

Cody shook Seojun's shoulder. He didn't budge, he was almost completely still. "Seojun." He shook him again. "Seojun?" Seojun still didn't move. "Seojun!" Seojun lifted his head up and rested his chin on his arms. "Huh, what?" He muttered.

"Geez, you're like a rock." Cody commented.

Seojun chuckled. "Sorry, what time is it now?" He asked. "7:14." Kade answered.

Seojun jumped when Kade responded, he hadn't noticed him before then. He calmed down after a second though. Kade gave him a funny look. "Okay.." He said.

Cody and Seojun gathered their things and Kade waited for them. "Come on now, we're burning daylight." Kade said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming already." Cody said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

Seojun followed close behind him.

They walked outside and stood in the warm summer breeze for a moment, before Kade spoke up again. "You need a ride home?" He asked Seojun. Seojun grabbed tightly at his lower right ribs and tightened his face. "Nah, I'm good." He said. "You sure? You look kinda like you're in pain" Kade said, looking concerned. "Yeah, I'm sure, it's just a cramp. I'm good." He replied. Clearly trying to get Kade off of his back.

Cody looked a little sad. "Tell me when you get home safe, okay?" He said. Seojun chortled and ruffled Cody's hair with his free hand. "Okay, see you tomorrow Cody." He said.

Cody nodded and reached up to touch his head. "Yeah, see ya." He said.

Seojun nodded and walked away. Kade was already next to Heatwave by then.

"Come on, let's go." He said.

Cody clutched the strap of his backpack and jogged over to Heatwave and climbed into the passenger seat of his cab.

"You really went and took a nap in the library?" Heatwave asked.

"You already told him?" Cody asked Kade.

Kade shrugged. "Can ya blame me?" He said.

Cody rolled his eyes and leaned against the door, smiling to himself for the rest of the ride home.

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