Home Time

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The next day, Cody woke up early in the morning, feeling restless. He was itching to get home and change into some real clothes. He also didn’t want to be alone where he’d have the opportunity to think about his worries. He had to wait though, because right now it was only six o’clock in the morning and his family were picking him up at 12:00. He decided that the best thing to do would just be to go back to sleep.

Instead of the peace he had hoped for, he saw flashes from the other night. The green lightning striking and lighting up the sky, the water rushing around him, the pain of being stabbed in the leg, the burning of his lungs as they filled with water, and the feeling of helplessness as he sunk into the ocean. Those things just repeated over, and over, and over until he woke up in a cold sweat, panting into the air.

He closed his eyes again, and slowed his breathing.

It’s okay, I’m fine.

He kept telling himself.

He didn’t feel fine though, he felt scared and anxious. He flopped his arms out by his sides and looked up at the ceiling.

What time is it anyway?

He rolled over and looked at his phone. It was only 8:22. He groaned in frustration. Why couldn’t time just go a little faster so that he could get out of here already? A nurse peaked into the room and he looked up at her. “Oh, you’re awake.” She said in surprise. “Yep.” Cody replied. “Okay, I’m just here to do a little check up.” She said. Cody nodded. “Okay.” He replied.

Cody made small talk with the nurse as a distraction while she took his vitals so that he wouldn’t have to think. She was really nice, a little awkward though. “And that’s it! Your vitals are looking good Cody. If this keeps up, you should be heading home soon!” She announced. Cody nodded. “Cool.” He looked at his phone for the time. It was still only 9:00. This was annoying, he still had three hours to kill.

I could talk to Seojun to pass some time. No way! I’m not talking to him right now! Stop thinking about him!

He decided to engross himself in bad wattpad fanfiction so that he could scold the writer in his head instead of himself. It turns out that reading a shitty fanfiction passes a lot of time. He had gotten so into all of the messy twists and turns that the next time he looked up at the clock it was 11:43.

He paused in shock. “Oh..” He muttered.

Maybe that idea worked a little too well.

He closed out wattpad and decided to spend the last few minutes before his dad got there watching someone make rainbow sims.

Finally at 12:02 his room door opened and another nurse came in. “Your dad’s here, you’re free to go Kiddo.” He said. “Finally!” Cody cheered. Charlie walked in and gave him a big hug. “Hey dad.” Cody said. “Hey. You've been alright this morning?” He asked. “Yeah.” Cody replied. “Okay, pajamas or regular clothes?” Charlie asked. “Pajamas, definitely.” Cody decided. Charlie chuckled. “I’d probably choose the same.” He said.

He pulled out a pair of long sleeved blue and white striped pajamas from the shoulder bag he’d brought and handed them to Cody. “Do you need any help getting these on?” He asked. Cody shook his head. “Nah, I’m good.” He replied. “Okay, call me when you’re done so we can get you on out of here.” Charlie said, walking back towards the door. “You got it.” Cody replied.

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