What's on your mind?

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Seojun climbed in through his bedroom window and took off his hoodie. He removed the compression patch on his chest and stayed still leaning on the wall while the effects wore off. When he felt fine enough he turned around to get into bed, right now he was exhausted and all he wanted to do was go to sleep, but when he turned around he saw something that nearly made his heart jump out of his chest.

Instead of being met with his neat empty bed, Kerchek was sitting cross legged on top of it, holding Kamina who was wide awake. Seojun froze in place, staring wide eyed at his brother in fear. Kerchek looked at him with a blank face.

“So, where were you?” He asked quietly. Seojun gulped. “I was on a walk.” He said. “At one in the morning?” He asked. Seojun nodded sheepishly. Kerchek sighed deeply. “You were with that human kid weren’t you?” He asked. Seojun nodded again. “Yeah.” Kerchek shook his head and waved rapidly in the air, kind of like he was waving away that topic. “We can talk about that in a minute. Just sit down.” He said.

Seojun sat down next to him nervously. “What do you want Kerchek?” He asked. “I heard what Vitanya said to you earlier.” He said. Seojun looked away from him. “Oh.” He said softly. “I wanted you to tell me about it since you wouldn’t have gotten it all out unless you told Cody.” Kerchek said. Seojun chuckled. “I’m surprised you called him by his name.” He said. “Saying “that human kid” would be too much of a mouthful, and don’t get off topic.” Kerchek replied.

Seojun hesitated. “Why should I tell you anything?” He asked bitterly. “Cuz I’ll actually listen.” Kerchek replied. Seojun thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Okay.” He said. “And don’t cuss while you talk, Mina might start saying stuff she shouldn’t.” Kerchek added. “Okay.” Seojun said again.

Seojun folded his arms over his chest cautiously. “I feel a little better about since I had some time to think, but you’re right I didn’t get it all out.” He sighed. “It's just that I really hate lying all the time. I’ve had to lie about almost everything since I’ve been on this planet. Where I’m from, what my parents do, who I am, even my physical form! I really just don’t feel right about it." He explained. Kerchek nodded to indicate that he was listening. “And, now I’m pretty sure Cody can see the visions that I’ve had recently. I think he knows, but I don't know how much he knows and I don’t want to ask him because I don’t want to put us in danger. But-.” He paused. “But what?” Kerchek asked, shifting Kamina in his lap. “But I want him to trust me.” Seojun finished. Kerchek looked ahead. “I think you should tell him.” He said casually.

“What? That’s crazy! You know how my mam feels about that.” Seojun said. Kerchek nodded. “Yeah I know how Namseon feels, but you have to tell him the truth at some point if you want him to trust you.” Kerchek pointed out. Seojun looked down at his lap. “Yeah I know, but what if he freaks out, or gets upset?” Seojun asked. Kerchek shrugged. “Then that’s his problem or whatever, plus if things go south I’ve got your back.” He told him. Seojun nodded. “Just take your time and you’ll know when you should tell him.” He said. “Yeah okay, I will.” Seojun said. “Just be careful okay? You’re a good kid and I don’t wanna see you get hurt or whatever.” Kerchek said, putting his arm around Seojun's shoulders. “Okay, I’ll be careful.” He replied. Kerchek patted him on the back with a little smile and got up to take Kamina back to bed. “And um, sorry about how I acted earlier I’d had a pretty rough night.” He said. Seojun was surprised, Kerchek rarely apologized for anything. “Yeah sure.” Seojun said Kerchek nodded. “Okay, now go to bed. You still have school later.” He said. “Okay, goodnight Kerry.” Seojun said. “‘Night kid.” Kerchek said, shutting the door.

Seojun sat alone in the dark for a moment and then climbed into his sheets. After all that, he was too tired to think about much and fell asleep almost immediately.

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