The Min Household

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Cody killed almost three hours of freetime by crawling around the house (despite the strange looks from his family) and watching videos. After that he took a shower and looked for something else to wear. He stood in front of his closet in a pair of basketball shorts and looked over everything. “I really need new clothes.” He muttered, running his hands through his damp hair. “Or I could steal Frankie’s stuff.” He added, half-joking.

Eventually he picked a green hoodie, black jeans, and a white sneaker. All of which he had to dig out of the closet since he barely ever wore this stuff before.

I’m really tired of having a broken leg.

He blow dried his hair and clipped his bangs back behind his ears, leaving the rest down. He noticed his hair had gotten a little wavier too. He couldn’t help but flip it back and forth in the mirror, it was just so nice!

After he was satisfied he grabbed his phone and hopped downstairs with his crutches. Everyone else had also put a little more effort into their looks too. First impressions do matter, but it was kind of weird that Cody still hadn’t met everybody yet. Maybe they were just homebodies.

“Are you ready to go?” Charlie asked. “Yeah, let’s go.” Cody said enthusiastically. He rode with Charlie and Chase this time around. He looked out of the window with excitement the entire time as they got closer to the house. He had never been over there before, so he was curious to see what it looked like.

“You seem excited Cody.” Charlie commented. “You’ve been grinning the entire time.” Cody realized that his face was starting to become sore and tried to relax. “Oh, I guess I have been.” He said. Relaxing didn’t work, he just ended up smiling harder. Charlie smiled back at him. “It’s nice that you have a new friend. I forgot how isolated we are on this island sometimes.” He said. “Yeah, but it’s fine I’m used to it. Plus something crazy is always happening, so I never really have time to think about it.” He said. Charlie nodded. “True.” He said.

Cody went back to staring out of the window. They were deep in the woods now and the area was pretty uneven, but Cody was too hyped up to care about the constant bumping around.

“Alright, we’re here.” Chase said. Cody looked up at the house. It was huge, and a little bit eerie on the outside. It was wooden and brown with a black shingled roof and a chimney. Everything about it was huge. The yard was vast and clear, and there was a treehouse nearby with a swing set under it with another in the far right side of the front yard. “Cool.” Cody said. Charlie got out of the car first and Cody followed along with his siblings. Charlie rang the doorbell and as soon as he did, they heard rapid footsteps that sounded more like knocking from the other side of the door.

“Ah! Ju-Ju!” Someone yelped.

Komai!” Seojun shouted frantically.

Multiple locks were turned and after a loud creaking sound, the door finally opened. Seojun busted through the door and almost bumped right into Charlie. He tripped, but quickly stopped himself by holding onto the door frame. Cody choked back a laugh and Seojun stood back up awkwardly. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were so close.” He said with a big smile.

His hair was loose and covering his eyes, and he wore a white tank top with red basketball shorts, white socks, and black slides.

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