A few Mins

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The next day, Cody woke up at 12:15. He had slept in more than he had intended too, but that was fine. After last night he had been really tired. He sat up and swung his legs over the side of his bed.

"Ugh." He groaned groggily as he stretched. As he adjusted his clothes he staggered downstairs to get something to eat.

Everyone else was already awake and out of the house working. Hopefully he hadn't missed anything too important, that would suck.

As he ate a bowl of cereal, he debated texting Seojun. Asking about his parents was definitely a normal question to ask, so why did it feel so weird?

Maybe because he had an ulterior motive. He really wanted to trust him. He didn't seem like the type to freak out about aliens. But who knows? Not everything is as it seems.

He sighed in frustration and put his phone down.

This is so stupid.

He had to get his mind off of this, he could always be stressed about it later. He finished his breakfast and put the dishes in the sink. After that, he put on a pair of grey sweatpants, a white shirt, his bomber jacket, and some old red converse he found under his bed. He wasn't going to be out long, just long enough to get distracted.

He sauntered back downstairs and put his phone in his pocket. Since it was still early out the air wasn't hot yet, which was nice. That meant he could relax more easily.

He walked around town for a while with his eyes lidded and his arms crossed behind his head. The day was surprisingly calm for one on Griffin Rock. it was almost suspicious, but he decided he wasn't gonna think about that. Instead he decided he should stop at the park before he went home.

Cody walked in to find somewhere to sit and relax and hadn't thought to look close to the ground for anything.

At least it's not crowded today.

Turns out he wasn't correct about that. As soon as he thought about that, he felt his left leg make contact with something, or rather someone, way shorter than him. He nearly tripped, but after flailing his arms around clumsily he caught himself.

When he caught his breath he met eyes with a young girl he had never seen before. She had short sandy brown curly hair to her jaw, light brown skin, pouty pink lips, and big hazel eyes. She looked pretty familiar actually.

"Oh, sorry about that. I didn't see you there. Are you okay?" Cody asked her.

She held tightly to a grey stuffed bunny and nodded.

"Are you here with anyone? I can help you find them if you need to." He offered.

The girl opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by someone calling for her.

"Eloho!" He shouted.

Oh no.

Just when he had started to forget about him, here Seojun was running over to them with a gaggle of kids.

He stopped close behind her and knelt down. "Why'd you run off like that?" He asked her.

Eloho responded in a language that Cody couldn't understand, but he could by the look on Seojun's face that he wasn't satisfied with her answer.

"You can't do that, you don't know the area. Plus, mam said we have to stay together." Seojun said.

Eloho pouted and frowned, looking down at the ground.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Cody asked.

Seojun stood up and patted Eloho's head. "Yeah, we're good. This one here just broke off from the rest of us." He said with a cheeky smile. Eloho balled up her little fists in response.

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