Early Morning Awkwardness

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Suddenly Cody was slapped lightly in the face by something. "AH! What the-" As soon as he started talking he heard a gurgling sound. Liquid dropped on his forehead. He wrenched his eyes shut and immediately wiped it off. “Ugh!” He opened his eyes and in the little bit of light that came through the window, was met with a little smiling face. “Um?” He murmured. Kamina giggled and patted his face. Cody frowned and sat up, gently sitting her down on his lap. “How’d you get in here buddy?” He asked her. She sucked her thumb and stared at him. “What? You don’t wanna say anything?” He joked.

He reached up and shook Seojun by his shoulder. “Hey Seojun, wake up.” He said. Seojun groaned and covered his ears, turning over on his stomach. “Really?” Cody said. He jumped up a little and lightly smacked him on the back. “Come on, wake up already.” He said.

Seojun slowly turned over and faced him. His eyes were wide open and bright red from tiredness. Being sleepy made his voice deeper and more raspy. “It’s four in the morning.” He groaned. “Did you have a nightmare or something?” He asked. “No, your niece got in here somehow.” He said, holding her up. Seojun sighed. “Oh, Kamina? Yeah she does that all the time. She has this ability to be able to squeeze into small places. Gets us in a lotta trouble.” He explained.

“Oh, well what do we do now?” He asked. “I’ll just bring her back to Kerchek’s room. Half the time she just escaped while he was sleeping.” He said. “Oh okay. Can I come with you?” Cody asked. “I’m not going far.” Seojun said. “Yeah, but now I wanna walk around and get some snacks from the kitchen.” Cody explained.

Seojun sighed deeply. “Fine. Give me the kid.” He said. Cody handed him Kamina and he sat up in his bed. Kamina immediately reached for his twists as soon as she was in his arms. “No Mi-Mi. I’d like to keep my hair please.” He said, forcing her hand open. Kamina pouted and reached for him again, but he pulled his head away before she could.

Cody giggled at them and propped himself up on the desk. “Come on, lead the way. We’re still taking her back right?” He said. “Yep.” Seojun mumbled. He stood up with Kamina on his hip and started walking to the door. Cody almost jumped out of his skin because he forgot he was almost twice his size.

I really hope he didn’t notice.

Seojun chuckled from the doorway and Cody knew that he had definitely noticed. Cody hopped after Seojun and Kamina to the first floor. He leaned on the wall downstairs and sat down. “Geez!” He wheezed. Seojun was about to knock on Kerchek’s door, but he saw that it was already open.

“He’s not there. We’ll just have to stay with her until he comes back.” He said. Cody nodded, but something caught his attention. Down the hallway he heard someone talking, it sounded familiar. “Or we could drop her off with whoever’s awake over there.” Cody suggested. Seojun squinted and looked at him for a second. “That depends on who it is. I’m not leaving her with Kyree.” He said.

“Okay.” Cody said, sliding back up the wall. Seojun choked back a laugh loud enough for Cody to hear. “What?” Cody asked. “You looked like a worm when you did that.” He said, stifling a laugh. Cody rolled his eyes. “Ugh I really need this cast off.” He said. “So you can wear more than one shoe?” He joked. Cody laughed. “Wow! Shots fired!” He said, faking offense. “Pew pew!” Seojun said quietly. Kamina looked totally confused, looking at them with wide eyes. “Come on, let’s go dump you on somebody else.” Seojun said and started walking off again. Cody followed close behind him, holding onto the wall this time.

Whoever was over there was still talking. “....You wouldn’t believe it!” Someone said. He heard someone huff after that. “Sounds like a good story.” He said. Seojun walked around the corner and froze. “What?” Cody whispered. As soon as he saw them talking, he knew that something was definitely not right. It was dark, but he could just make out the two figures.

Kerchek and Graham were standing in front of the open back door. Graham’s hair was messy and his glasses were crooked. Kerchek was in his normal form, still just a little bit shorter than Seojun. “So next time?” Graham asked. “There won’t be a next time.” Kerchek said. Graham laughed. “You always say that.” He said. Kerchek sighed. “Yeah, I guess I do.” He replied. “I’m surprised you called me first, you’re usually so shy.” He said. Kerchek wrinkled his nose and looked away from him. “Am not-”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he met eyes with Cody and Seojun. His eyes went wide with panic. “Are too!” Graham said, not noticing that anyone else was there. “Graham.” Kerchek whispered, trying to get his attention. “And I thought I was awkward, you can barely even speak to me.” Graham laughed. “Graham.” Kerchek said more loudly. Of course, Graham still wasn’t paying attention. He was busy rambling now. “Much less look at me when-”


Kerchek forcefully turned him around so he’d stop talking, and as soon as he did his eyes opened as wide as they could go. “Oh Fuuuuck.” He said. Kerchek leaned down so he could see his face and gave him a death stare. “Don’t cuss in front of my kid.” He said. “Oops sorry, I forgot.” He said.

All four of them stood in front of each other in an awkward silence, no one knew what to say.

Seojun cleared his throat and gave them a blank look. “So, y’all were having a sleepover too?” He said dryly. “Yeah….something like that.” Graham replied awkwardly. Seojun stiffly walked over to Kerchek and handed Kamina to him. “Here you go. She got into my room earlier.” He said. “Thanks.” Kerchek said. Kamina immediately latched onto one of his locs. “Mina.” Kerchek mumurred.

“Uh, see you at home Cody?” Graham said awkwardly. Cody nodded without saying anything. Seojun turned around and walked to the kitchen. Cody stood there for a moment, and Kerchek shooed him away.

Cody and Seojun silently grabbed their snacks and headed back upstairs. They settled back into Seojun’s room and just stared off into space for a moment. “Well. That was….something.” Cody said, somehow even hearing the cringe in his voice. “Did you know they even knew each other?” Seojun asked. “Not until yesterday.” Cody said. Seojun chuckled and facepalmed. “Geez!” He said. “I know. I didn’t expect that at all.” Cody added. “Yeah, what just happened?” He said.

Cody shrugged. “Do you think they’re-” Seojun quickly cut him off. “Nope! Nonononono! I don’t even wanna think about it!” Seojun said. Cody laughed. “It’s not that bad. It’s not like we saw anything.” He said. “I still do not want to think about it. Please, let me rest Cody!” He begged, covering his head with his blanket. “Okay fine.” Cody said. He waited until Seojun uncovered his head. “You think they-” “No!” Seojun said. Cody just laughed harder and started eating his chips. “This is so easy, I’m going to use this against you so much” Cody said with a shit eating grin. “Foul.” Seojun said, muffled by the blanket. "You know it!” Cody teased.

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