Looking for signs

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Over the next week, Cody made it his mission to try to figure Seojun out. He sat next to Seojun like usual at the end of the day, and stole glances at him.

Seojun seemed pretty normal. He was just a chill guy with a nice, but kind of awkward smile.

Ugh, this sucks. If he really is up to something, he's way better at hiding it than the bots were. I wanna ask him, but what if he actually isn't doing anything and he thinks I'm weird for asking.

Okay now I'm just overthinking this. I'm just gonna shut up. Wait, thoughts never actually shut up.

Seojun smacked a pencil against Cody's desk, and he jumped in surprise. Seojun chuckled. "You okay over there?" He asked. Cody nodded. "Um yeah, just thinking." He said. "About what?" Seojun asked curiously. "Nothing much." Cody replied. Seojun smirked and folded his arms over his chest, sliding back into his desk. "Okay, keep your secrets." He joked.

I'm the one with secrets? Oh yeah I am, but that's besides the point.

"Oh what, I can't have anything to myself too?" Cody asked. Seojun froze for a moment and then tilted his head in confusion. "What?" He asked. Cody shrugged. "I'm just saying, everybody has their secrets Seojun. " He replied slyly. Seojun chuckled nervously. "Yeah. Yeah I guess." He scratched at his scalp and shifted in his seat.

Cody squinted. Yeah, something's definitely up.

Seojun on the other hand was just even more confused.

Is he playing with me? Is he trying to tell me something? Or is he just saying stuff? Did I get exposed?

During a break in English class on Wednesday, Cody took another opportunity to try and get something out of him.

He tapped on his desk with his fingertips. Seojun looked up from his work attentively. "Hm?" He hummed.

"Hey Seojun?" Cody asked.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Do you think aliens exist?" He asked.

Seojun paused to think for a moment. "Yeah probably, the universe is pretty huge after all." He said.

“What would you think if you found out someone that lived here was an alien?” Cody asked.

Seojun tried to be serious, but ended up choking and snickering instead.

“What? Why are you laughing?” Cody asked, folding his arms and leaning back in his chair. Seojun smiled brightly and shook his head. “Sorry it’s just like...like...why are you asking me this? Like where is this coming from?” He asked through laughter.

Cody shrugged. “I dunno, I was just curious.” He lied. “Why do you want to know what I think about aliens out of nowhere?” He asked. “I just said I was just curious.” Cody replied. Seojun held his hands up in defense with a crooked smile. “Okay okay I get it, don’t get all defensive on me.” He said.

Cody rolled his eyes at him. “Why are you like this?” He asked. Seojun shrugged. “It’s entertaining.” He said slyly. “Of course you’d say that.” Cody said with exasperation. Seojun smirked. “What, is that a bad thing?” He asked. “That depends.” Cody replied. “Depends on what?” Seojun asked. Cody shrugged. “I don’t know it just does.” Cody said. Seojun chuckled. “Okay, so it’s like that huh?” He said. “I guess it is.” Cody replied. “Guys, remember to actually do your work.” Mr. Glendale said as he walked by. Cody and Seojun gave each other sheepish looks, chuckled and went back to work.

Though Cody did enjoy casual conversation, it was a little disappointing that he was no closer to seeing what was up with Seojun. He didn’t even get an answer. Should he press harder? But that might not be good. What if Seojun thought he was weird or he felt uncomfortable by it? He could ask him directly, but that could get ugly. Being careful is hard.

On Thursday he watched Seojun closely on the way into school. He was mostly regular. There was no bounce in his step, he just seemed to glide instead. If he wasn’t talking his eyes were always forward and he stood tall. Nothing really suspicious about that.

What questions could I ask that could be useful to knowing what’s going on?

Hey Seojun?” He asked. “Yeah?” Seojun replied, not looking at him. “Do you ever see things?” He asked. Seojun looked at him through the corner of his eye. “What kinds of things?” He asked. “Like sometimes I have funny dreams that look like the future. I don’t know why, it’s kinda scary.” Cody said, playing dumb.

Seojun’s eyes went the widest he had ever seen them go, but only for an instant. He quickly hid his reaction. “Oh, that’s kinda strange. A little like deja vu.” He commented. “Yeah, kind of I guess.” Cody agreed. Seojun nodded curtly. “Yeah. Well, I gotta get on to class. I'll see you later Cody.” he said, quickly giving him a small wave. “Yeah, bye.” Cody replied quietly with a short wave back. Seojun rushed off into the crowded hallway without changing his pace for a moment and that just confirmed Cody’s suspicions.

He definitely knows something about this.

Why did he rush off like that though? Is that bad? I don’t understand what’s going on. It’d be really helpful if he just talked to me about it!

But you know what? It’s fine. Whatever’s going on is his business I guess, it could be complicated. Whatever it is, I’ll just let him tell me when he wants. I don’t like stressing over it.

But I would really like to know what’s happening to me.

Cody stood in the hallway for a moment while he thought, he didn't feel like doing anything anymore. Maybe it was to protect himself, but why couldn't he know too?

Seojun felt panicked as he rushed through the hallways. He could barely see where he was going due to how terrible he felt. “Hey! Watch it man!” Another guy said after they bumped shoulders. “Sorry.” Seojun mumbled.

He ducked into the bathroom and found a stall to hide in. He leaned against the wall, panting with his head in his hands, trying to process what had just happened.

So he’s definitely seen them, but why? He’s a human, this shouldn’t be happening. Is he trying to get something out of me? This is making me upset, I don’t wanna think about this anymore. I can’t tell him now, it’s too soon. What if he doesn’t take it well? My family might have to relocate to a whole different planet, and I can’t let that happen. They’ve been through too much for me to risk it.

After missing his whole first period class. He snuck back out of the bathroom during the second bell. Seojun didn’t concentrate that well for the rest of the day. His head was bouncing back and forth between ideas and he just couldn’t handle it. Maybe he could ask Vashti to help him out later, but for now he just had to get through the day.

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