Around Town

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Cody hadn't talked much to Seojun since. Not because he didn't like him, he just wasn't really sure what to say. They mostly just exchanged greetings and Frankie chatted both of their ears off.

Seojun had a blank face most of the time. He didn't look particularly tired or bored, just kind of there. He noticed Seojun would also look at him when he thought he wouldn't notice.

Mr. Gledale passed out the rubrics the day before and Cody and Seojun read it over together. They could do one of four things. Describe the geography of the island, describe the people, give a run down on it's history, or describe the town itself.

They could do it through an infographic, slideshow, essay, or a video. If they had any other ideas they could ask Mr. Glendale.

Cody had told Seojun that he'd text him today after school so that they could decide when Cody would show him around.

Cody sat on the floor with his back against the foot of his bed, staring down at his phone. He had already saved Seojun's number and everything, he just had to send a simple text. That was it.

(Hi, it's Cody.

That was fine, it was simple and didn't make Cody want to cringe. Seojun took about three minutes to reply, typing for two of them.


That was it, after three minutes? Nah, maybe he just has trouble with spelling or grammar or something. It was really none of his business, at least he replied.

(So, when are you free?


(When do you have time to do this?

/Oh okay, I understand.

/I've got time tomorrow and Sunday. How about you?

(I'm free the whole weekend too, but I'd rather go on Saturday.

/Okay, Saturday's fine.

/What time should we go?

(I think we should go in the afternoon so we don't have to wake up early and we'll have time to look at everything.

/I think the evening would be better, sometime around 18:00. It's not too dark out then and I like how the sky looks around here.

So he uses all twenty four hours instead of cutting it in half.

It took Cody a minute to count on his fingers to get that he was saying they should go at six.

(It gets cold at night around here, even in the summer sometimes. We could go at 4, we'd have time to see the sights and you could still see the sunset while we're out.

He could look at it on his own time though…

/That sounds good to me. Where should we meet?

(Let's meet at City Hall.

/Okay, see you tomorrow.


Cody leaned back against the foot of his bed and sighed. Seojun seemed pretty cool, so why was he so against seeing him?

Cody woke up late at noon the next, still feeling pretty tired. He brushed his teeth, showered, and had a bowl of cereal. Then he walked downstairs to the bunker to see what the bots were up too.

Blades was watching his Saturday cartoons, Boulder was painting, Chase was reading a book, and Heatwave was just kind of chilling in the middle of all of it.

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