Disappointing Results

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“Cody! Doc just called! He and Anna want to share the testing results.” Charlie said. It was Friday at 9 in the morning. Cody was woken up from a good night’s sleep much to his dismay, but he was curious about that strange rock. He sat up and groggily rubbed his eyes. “Cool. What now?” He asked. “We’re going to go up to the lab at eleven.” Charlie said. “Okay. Does that mean I can go back to sleep?” He asked. Charlie gave him a blank look, and Cody returned it with a cheeky smile. “I’ll be back at ten thirty, no more naps after that.” Charlie said. “Thanks dad.” Cody said “Sure.” Charlie shut the door and immediately curled back up under his blanket.

They were on the road by 10:50. Cody had trimmed his hair just above his shoulders and was wearing a long sleeve black sweatshirt, ripped blue jeans, and one red high top. He stuck his head out of the window, letting the wind blow through his hair. “Aah!” He stuck his tongue out into the air. “Really Cody?” Charlie asked. Cody laughed and sat back down in the car and rolled up the window.

“Did Doc and Professor Baranova say anything about what they found?” He asked. “Nope, they wanted us to be at the lab for it.” Charlie said. “Darn..” Cody said with disappointment. “It won’t be long. We’re pulling up to it right now.” Charlie said.

Doc ran out and gave Cody a big hug. “It's good to see you doing well Cody!” He said excitedly. “Thanks. It’s good to see you too.” He said with a big smile. “Come on, let’s go.” Anna said. She set CeCe down to play with her toys and led them back to the lab.

“So, have you guys found anything?” Cody asked. Anna sighed. “Not much so far.” She said. She showed them the sample that they were testing on. It was cut into a square and black, but had a green glow around it with glowing green streaks. “Cool.” Cody said. “Yes.” Anna agreed. “After all this time, we still don’t know what it is, or how it could affect you. Though we have studied how it reacts.” She said. “It reacts?” Charlie asked. “Yes. We’ve confirmed that it doesn’t have a consciousness or feelings, but it does react to stimuli.” Anna explained. “Okay. What does it do?” Charlie asked.

Anna set the sample back down. “From what we’ve seen we’ve done, when it’s touched with our equipment it blocks us out with it’s own dome like shield. If we keep pressing on, it makes small objects around the room float and tries to throw us around. Due to it being so protective of itself, we haven’t been able to study much of it. We also haven’t found a way to deactivate it. We’ll do everything we can to look though.” Anna said.

“We’ve gotten in contact with Optimus and his medic is looking through their database for a match as we speak.” Doc said excitedly. “Due to the nature of it, we may have to test you as well since you came in contact with it.” Anna said. “You should tell us if anything strange has been going on after that happened.” Doc said. Cody nodded. “Okay.” He said.

Cody was disappointed. He had hoped to find out more about what had happened to him. They were still basically in the same place that they were before. “You okay son?” Charlie asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” He lied. Charlie didn’t say anything, but he could tell his dad knew something was up.

As soon as he got home he sank down into his bed and sighed deeply. Then, he thought back to everything that had happened since the accident. His hair growing abnormally, how quickly his body healed, and more recently, the flying objects around him.

Oh shit, that’s definitely not right!

Nope, I’m not gonna think about it! It’s fine! I’m good! Nothing strange is happening here!

Instead of being able to make himself believe this, he ended up thinking about it for the rest of the day.

Why couldn’t my stupid human brain let me have peace?

I dunno



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