Morning Shenanigans

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“You really just had to leave me alone yesterday? Come on man!” Frankie complained, practically hopping on her toes as she walked next to him. “I’m gonna have to yell at Seojun for this later too!”

Neither Cody or Seojun had ended up going to school on Monday. Cody had woken up at 8 am feeling like a total zombie and decided to fake being sick instead of leaving the house.

Note to self, never go on 1 am walks on school nights ever again.

“Yeah sorry Frankie, but I stayed up way too late the other night and I was not about to sit through class half asleep.” He said. “Oh come on! Me and Seojun do it all the time! You could be tired for one day.” Frankie insisted. Cody laughed. “Nah. No way.” He said.

Seojun stood at the entrance of the school leaning against the wall, looking at his phone with headphones in his ears. He was wearing a grey jacket over a white shirt, with blue jeans, and white tennis shoes. Frankie smacked Cody on the shoulder with a mischievous smile. “There’s your boyfriend.” She joked. Cody’s cheeks turned bright red and he couldn’t help but laugh. “Shut up Frankie, he might hear you.” He said. “He’s got headphones in though.” Frankie said. “But that doesn’t mean he’s deaf.” Cody said.

Right on time, Seojun looked up from his phone to see them. He sported a bright grin and he took out his headphones and walked over to them. “Hey guys.” He said gleefully. “Hey what’s up?” Cody asked. “Hey dude!” Frankie said. Seojun shrugged. “Eh, not much. I just got here.” He said. “Well lucky you. I can’t believe you just left me in the dust yesterday man!” Frankie said. Seojun looked shocked. “What?” He asked. ‘You didn’t come to school today! And I had to sit alone!” She said. “Oh, sorry.” He said. “That doesn’t sound genuine Seojun.” Frankie said.

Seojun paused and his eyes lit up with mischief. “I didn’t realize how terrible my actions were! I’m deeply sorry Francine! Please forgive me for my heinous crimes!” He said loudly, quickly bowing repeatedly. She jokingly slapped him on the back. “No stop it! You’re embarrassing me!” She said, laughing hysterically with him. Cody smiled and shook his head. “You guys are too much.” He said, pulling them apart and getting in between them. “Now calm down, it’s still only like 8:30.”

Frankie smiled even harder. “You hear that Seojun? He’s trying to silence us!” She joked. Seojun choked and doubled over with his mouth covered. Cody rolled his eyes with a small smile. “Why are you like this Frankie?” He asked. Seojun was laughing uncontrollably behind him. “You’re gonna kill our friend.” He said, pointing to Seojun who was now stumbling, trying to stay still. “You mean your b-” She started. “NOPE! No I do not!” Cody interrupted her. Seojun just laughed harder and was starting to sound like squeaky door hinges.

Frankie laughed and threw her head back with her arms in front of her. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist!” She said. Cody folded his arms. “Mm-hm, sure you couldn’t.” he leaned closer to her. “By the way, how’s your girlfriend?” He asked. Frankie jumped. “No! Shut up!” She shouted. Cody just laughed, now it was his turn to mess with her. “You have a girlfriend?” Priscilla asked out of nowhere. Frankie whipped around in surprise and Seojun looked up with wide eyes (still laughing.)

Without them noticing through all the laughter, she had walked up behind Frankie. “What? No! Cody’s just messing around.” Frankie sputtered quickly. Priscilla nodded, taking a bite out of a sugar cookie. “Oh okay. See you guys later.” She said, walking away with a lazy wave. “Yeah, later Priscilla.” Frankie said.

As soon as Priscilla walked a few feet away, Cody turned back to Frankie with a mischievous smirk. “You evil little goblin.” Frankie said. “I’m sorry I couldn’t resist.” Cody said. “Hey!” Frankie shouted. Seojun by now was wheezing with his head between his knees. “Okay, okay we gotta stop.” Cody said. “Please!” Seojun wheezed, standing with his hands on his knees. “Yeah, plus the bells gonna ring in ten minutes, we should probably head in now.” Frankie said. Seojun had mostly recovered now and stood up. “Yeah, let’s go.” He said.

They started walking into the school together just casually talking and were about to separate to go to their classes when Seojun suddenly snickered. That caused Frankie to start laughing too. Cody spluttered. “Really Seojun?” He said. Seojun smiled sheepishly. "I’m sorry I couldn't help it.” He said. Cody held up his hand in exasperation and separated himself from the group. “I’m out of here. Bye guys.” Cody said, walking away from them. “See you later guys.” Frankie said. “Yeah, bye.” Seojun said, still trying not to laugh.

Cody sighed and shook his head. He had gotten so wrapped up in his friend’s silliness that he forgot to look for any signs that Seojun had more to him than he thought. Though honestly, that was fine for now. At least he knew they could have a good time together.

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