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It was only Tuesday, but Cody felt like a whole week had passed by. It was only the second day of school and the days were already starting to feel longer. That was seriously disappointing.

Frankie had been wrong about seeing Seojun on the way to school. Despite the school having such a small population, Cody hadn't seen him at all today.

For such a big dude he sure knew how to hide.

That was probably for the better, Cody didn't feel like messing up and doing something embarrassing again.

Ugh! It wasn't even that bad, I'm totally just drawing it out for no reason!

Cody shook that thought out of his head as he headed to his third period class, English.

English was one of Cody's least favorite subjects, he was more of a math, science, and history guy. Writing long essays and finding the author's purpose wasn't his favorite, but he still got it done. If there was anything like geography or a cool book involved though it was actually fun.

He trudged into the classroom and noticed the desk set up. They were set up in rows with two desks facing each other and the seats were assigned. Cody went on to find his desk, hopefully whoever sat across him didn't breathe out of their mouth.

His desk was at the back of the classroom by the window. He sat down his backpack and slid into his seat. He felt less tired now that he was sitting, he could finally relax.

Oh wait, who's gonna sit here?

He looked at the nametag on the desk across from his upside down so he didn't have to get back up.

Seojun Min? Aw man, not again...

So Seojun was in two of his classes and sits near him in both? Just his luck. Hopefully today would be fine, Seojun was quiet so he probably wouldn't bother him much.

"Oh hey."

Cody looked up from his desk to Seojun who had somehow taken his seat when he wasn't looking.

Yeesh! How'd I not hear him?

"Hi." Cody said back shortly.

Seojun nodded and settled himself in.

He looked really closed up with his hands clasped in his lap under his desk and his legs tightly crossed.

Mr. Glendale passed out yet another syllabus and Cody tried to read over it, but was distracted by muttering.

He glanced at Seojun from behind his paper. Seojun had reading glasses on and was frowning and squinting as he read out loud with his head leaning on his right hand.

Cody tapped his desk to get his attention.

"Huh?" Seojun's eyes shot fully open and he looked up at Cody with a confused face.

"Could you quiet down some, you're kind of distracting me." Cody asked.

Seojun leaned back in his desk and set the paper down. "Oh sorry, I'm just not that used to English yet, so it helps to sound it out." He explained. "Plus, it's printed really small."

"Yeah it is." Cody said, looking over it to see what Seojun was talking about. "If you want, I could just read it to you to make it easier for both of us." He suggested.

"That'd be nice, thanks. I'll follow on my paper." Seojun replied.

Seojun listened attentively as Cody read and he seemed to loosen up a little bit too until they finished and Mr. Glendale started talking about upcoming work.

"Starting Thursday, you and your seating partner will be working on a project describing Griffin Rock. I'll give you all the rubrics next class and I suggest traveling the island to think about what you'll be writing about." He said.

Cody looked at Seojun from the corner of his eye and noticed Seojun was also looking at him.

Cody immediately whipped his head away from him and back towards Mr. Glendale, who was still talking. Cody didn't end up listening to much though.

The bell rang soon after and before Cody left, Seojun passed him an index card.

"Guess we're taking that island tour early." He remarked.

Guess I'll actually have to talk to him now.

Realizing something, Cody looked up from the card to Seojun who had already walked a considerable distance down the hallway.

"Wait, Seojun! Ms. Gale's class is the other way!" Cody called after him hastily.

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