Wide Awake

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“We’re not sure why he’s awake right now, but his vitals are good, he’s speaking clearly, and he’s responding to stimuli. We’ll keep him here overnight for observation, and if he does well we can send him on home.” Doctor McSwain said.

It turns out that Cody had woken up four days ahead of schedule. It was really confusing to wake up and be full of tubes, but luckily most of those were removed after they realized he was okay. Now, he was sitting in his hospital room eating jello while Charlie talked to the doctor.

“Now I almost feel stupid for being worried.” Frankie said. She and Doc Greene had come to visit along with the Burns family as soon as they heard he was conscious. She had sprained her foot and had some hairline fractures in her navicular and 1st metararsal, so she was stuck in a boot until they healed. Cody chuckled. “Why?” She asked. “Cus this this so like you to just pop right back up. You do it all the time.” Frankie replied. “Well it is pretty surprising that he “popped right back up” from a coma like this.” Graham said. Cody ate another spoonful of jello and shrugged. “What can I say? I’m just built different.” He joked. Frankie rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I hate it when you say that.” She said. “Hey!” Cody exclaimed, faking offense.

“We’re so glad you’re okay buddy.” Dani said, giving him a gentle hug to avoid hurting his ribs.

“Yeah me too, I was pretty scared for a second.” Cody admitted. “Yeah i’ll bet, that was a pretty close call.” Graham said. “Yeah…” Cody said. Looking down at his cup of jello. He thought back to that dream he had before he woke up and touched his chest which still felt hot.

“So how are Priscilla and Seojun?” He asked, trying to take his mind off of that subject. “Priscilla’s doing good, she said to tell you she’s gonna visit when you get home, and Seojun is okay I think, he visited after school.” She said. “He did?” Cody asked. “Yeah, he was really worried about you.” She said. Cody nodded. “Oh okay.” He said.

“How are you feeling now Cody?” Charlie asked, walking into the room after his talk with Doctor McSwain. “Pretty good right now, but I think that’s just cus of the painkillers.” Cody said with a small smile. “That’s good I suppose.” He said, giving him a hug. “How do you always get into so much trouble?” He said. Cody shrugged. ‘I dunno, must be in my genes.” He joked. Charlie laughed heartily. “Probably so.” He agreed.

After the visitor's time was over, everyone went home. Cody had some time to himself, awake this time. He laid on his back and looked up at the ceiling. His phone went off beside him on the nightstand, so he decided to look at it. He saw that Seojun had texted him.

/Hey Cody, can we talk?

Cody turned his phone off and rolled back onto his back. He wasn’t completely sure why he didn’t want to talk to him, but he just didn’t feel right. Now that he basically owed Seojun his life he wondered if it was wrong to be mad at him.

“Tch!” He sucked his teeth. I can be mad whenever I want.

That’s what he wanted to believe at least. He couldn’t decide whether he wanted to thank Seojun or yell at him and that was stressing him out. He didn’t like being stressed, it distracted him from having fun. He sunk his head into his pillow and thought some more.

Maybe I just need some space.

Seojun turned his phone off on the other side after about ten minutes. He sighed and sunk his face into his pillow.

Figures. I should have seen this coming, I was a real jerk the last time we talked. No one wants to talk to someone who doesn’t treat them right. I’m getting down on myself way too fast, he still could just be tired. He’s still recovering after all.

Though he tried his best to understand, it still hurt to be ignored.

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