A little Pynch

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After Social Studies, Cody walked alone to English class. He had mostly calmed down since lunchtime and was looking forward to getting more work done on his and Seojun's project. They were going to describe the town and build a model of it, right now they were still drawing out the model and deciding what materials to use for it, but it was going well.

Seojun was a hard worker and didn't want to half ass it and was always making sure he knew what was going on. He was also pretty cheerful and that really helped a lot if they were at a frustrating part.

He turned in the hallway towards the classroom and outside of the door, he saw Seojun talking to a girl. After looking at them a little closer, he realized that it was Priscilla Pynch.

Seojun was standing in front of the lockers and she faced him. He looked pretty awkward and kind of closed off, but he nodded or made some indication that he was listening everytime that she said something.

Cody walked over to the doorway of the classroom and stood across the door from them.
"Hey guys." He said. Priscilla and Seojun turned to him. Priscilla looked annoyed that she was interrupted, but Seojun looked happy to see him.
"Hey Cody, what's up?" Seojun said cheerfully.
"Not much, Social Studies was pretty boring today. We just wrote a bunch of notes." Cody explained."Same here, except I had math class." Seojun replied.

Priscilla stood close behind Seojun and looked as if she was waiting for Cody to stop talking.
"So, have you thought of any new ideas for the project?" Seojun asked.
"I think we should 3D print the building models. It'd be cool and would make sizing easier." Cody replied.
"Cool, when should we start doing that?" Seojun asked.
"When we get the planning done, we'll start at the library and if that doesn't work out, I asked Doc Greene if I could use his, and if that doesn't work out we can use my brother's." Cody said.
"Wow, you really thought this through." Seojun said in awe.

"Yeah, I want us to do well, especially since it's our first project of the year." Cody explained.
"That makes sense, that's pretty cool Cody." Seojun said.
Cody felt his cheeks go bright red and he brushed his hair out of his face, this new awkward smile of his was becoming typical. "Thanks." He said.
"Sure." Seojun replied.

Priscilla then interrupted. "Anyway Seojun, it'd be cool to talk to you more. We should totally hang out sometime." She said. "I should go to class, I'll give you my number later."
She walked away and disappeared into the crowd of students. Seojun and Cody still stood in front of the door, just kind of looking in her direction.
"Okay." Seojun muttered. He walked into the classroom and Cody followed behind him.

"What was that all about?" Cody asked when they sat down at their desks.
Seojun shrugged. "Eh, I'm not entirely sure. She's been talking to me a lot lately. Um, now that I think about it, a few girls have." He said casually as he doodled in his notebook. Cody laughed and lightly smacked Seojun's shoulder with the back of his hand. "Only a month here and you're already popular." He said.

Seojun squinted. "Really?" He asked.
"Duh! You've got the coaches curious about what you can do, a lot of people think you're cool, you've got girls wanting to give you their number and-" Seojun cut him off with a chuckle.
"Okay, I think I get it Cody." He said, grinning brightly and holding his hands out as if to physically stop him.

Cody's heart was racing, but he ignored that. "Sorry, I was just surprised you hadn't noticed." He said.

Seojun shrugged. "It's cool, I just don't pay too much attention to most people. Having a few close friends is good enough for me." He explained.

Cody nodded to indicate that he understood.
"Yeah, that makes sense to me." He replied.
After that, they started to get to work on their model and Cody wondered quietly if Seojun would end up noticing anyone else.

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