Optimus' Answer

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The presentation had gone well and they were sure to get an A on it. At the end of the day, Frankie had already moved onto Mathletes practice, so it was just Cody and Seojun sitting next to each other waiting for the bell to ring

"Man, I'm gonna miss walking home with Frankie everyday." Cody complained.

"Yeah, she's cool." Seojun said nonchalantly.

Cody stretched in his seat. "And now I'm gonna be bored."

Seojun chuckled and raised his right eyebrow with a smile. "Your house isn't even that far from here, what time would you have to be bored?" He said.

Cody tilted his head. "I mean sometimes I like to stop and look at stuff, but that's boring with nobody else to talk to."

Seojun huffed. "Are you trying to get me to come with you?" He asked.

Cody smiled. "Is it working?"

Seojun rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll come, but only because it's you."

Cody felt his cheeks turn red, and jokingly punched Seojun in the shoulder. "You don't have to say all that."

Seojun slung his backpack over his shoulder. "Yeah sure, let's go before I change my mind." He replied, smiling back.

As soon as the bell rang, they quickly escaped the school. Not only were they glad that the day was over, it was also Friday and Seojun was ready to pass out for fourteen hours straight. After he dropped off Cody of course.

"What are you gonna do this weekend?" Cody asked.

"Eh, I mostly just plan sleeping so far. I'm tired." Seojun replied.

"That's a good idea, I'll probably be in the command center while everybody else works." Cody replied.

"Is that good or not?" Seojun asked.

Cody shrugged. "It's okay, I don't usually have to do that much."

"Oh okay. What do you do while you're there?" Seojun asked.

"I just patch channels, tell my family what's going on around the island, and kind of help them through their work." Cody said.

"That sounds cool, could I come with you sometime?" Seojun asked.

Cody froze for a second, trying to think of an excuse. "Maybe, but it's kinda boring, so I doubt you'd be that interested in it after a while." He said.

Seojun scoffed. "When is first response work ever boring?" He said.

"I guess you have a point there." Cody admitted.

Seojun turned away when Cody entered the passcode to the door and turned the key.

Cody slammed the door open and Seojun jumped, covering his ears in response.

"Oh sorry." Cody quickly apologized.

"It's fine." Seojun replied, straightening himself up.

Cody cleared his throat. "Ahem. Anybody home!" He shouted.

"Son, I'm right here. You don't have to yell through the whole house." Charlie said, looking up from his newspaper at the dining room table.

Cody choked on a laugh. "Sorry."

Seojun stood awkwardly in the doorway behind him, shifting his eyes back and forth wondering if he should leave yet.

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