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Seojun woke up as they pulled into the hospital. He groaned as he sat up, realizing that he had a splitting headache. Right after that, he shivered from still having wet clothes on, which didn’t help his pounding head.

Priscilla tapped him on the shoulder with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked. Seojun rested his head on the windowsill. "Um, yeah I think so." He muttered.

Kade carried Frankie into the hospital and Priscilla walked next to them. Seojun got out of the car as the paramedics came to get him.

Seojun didn't like this. If they work on him, there are plenty of obvious signs that he isn't human. Such as the amount of teeth and ribs he has, and the color of his blood, but right now he had no choice, so he came in with them.

Lucky for him, he didn't need a transfusion and that gash was the only injury he had. They stitched him up while he was awake. It was a big one, and he needed stitches for it along his right temple to the center of his forehead. It sucked since the anesthetic was for humans and started to wear off halfway through.

Not long after settling in, he heard his room door open. His mother rushed in with Kerchek following not too far behind with Kamina in his arms. “Seojun! Are you okay love?” She asked him, rubbing the side of his head that wasn’t cut up. “Yeah I’m fine.” He said. Kerchek watched them silently as Namseon hugged him gently. He shifted Kamina in his arms and looked around the room, clearly uncomfortable. “Glad you’re okay kid. You had us scared when Mr. Burns called us so late.” He said. “Yeah I’m sorry.” Seojun said.

“You should be. What the hell were you thinking? Sneaking out like that and going to the beach? Are you serious?” Namseon scolded him. “I know. I wasn’t really thinking much about that at all.” He said.

Namseon sighed deeply in frustration. “We’re on this planet to be safe Seojun. Going out and doing dangerous things defeats the purpose.” She said. “I understand.” Seojun replied, avoiding her eyes. She lifted up his head by his chin and kissed him on the cheek. “I know you do. Get some rest now. We’ll come get you in the morning.” She said. “Okay, bye mam.” Seojun said. “Goodnight.” Namseon replied. “Later kid.” Kerchek said stiffly, turning on his heels. “Bye.” He responded.

Seojun tried his best to sleep, but after two hours he lay in bed wide awake despite being completely exhausted. He was too worried to even close his eyes for more than a minute. Cody's injuries had been pretty bad and humans are fragile. He probably wouldn't die, but could his body handle all of that?

Without thinking, he found himself sneaking out of his room. He peaked out and watched for the nurses to stop before he walked out. At least from his little time on Earth he knew some things about human hospitals. In his condition, Cody would be in the ICU.

He walked casually into the waiting room like he belonged and saw the Burns family there. Charlie was sitting in a chair with head in his hands, the front of his white shirt was covered in dried blood and he had drying tears on his face. Kade was sitting beside him with his chin pressed on his clasped hands and his left leg bouncing away. A blonde woman who he had never seen before (Haley) sat next to him, rubbing his back and assuring him that things would be alright. Dani was standing with her back leaning against the wall and her arms folded tightly to her chest. His face was screwed with worry. Graham paced back and forth in the center of the room, muttering to himself. He caught sight of the Rescue bots peaking in, but decided to say nothing about that. The entire scene looked like a disaster.

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