This is a Disaster

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After crying himself to sleep that night, he woke up tired and pissed off the next day. All night he had dreamed about his accident and kept waking up. He had barely gotten any sleep that night and he had woken up with hair in his mouth! He hopped tired to the bathroom and after doing his business he looked in the mirror.

His hair was a mess and his eyes were bright red. He sighed tiredly and blinked at his reflection.


He climbed back onto his bed and started to fall back asleep. As soon as he closed his eyes he forced himself to stay awake.

Nope! Let’s do something else!

He rolled out of bed and slid onto the floor. He grabbed his computer and watched movies all day until his dad told him to go to bed.

The next day he had only slept for four hours, and had spent the rest of the night from two in the morning barely awake and watching Youtube videos on his phone. By the time it was time for his family to go to work, he was exhausted and didn’t want to do anything. He turned on his side and looked out of the window “Ugh. Why is the sun so bright?” He murmured as he squinted. That day, he didn’t do anything except for rolling around his room and watching YouTube videos.

It was just the same cycle over and over again until three days later. At nine in the morning, Charlie came in and opened up all of his windows, letting in the harsh sun. “Ah! What the-” Cody yelped. Charlie stood in front of his bed with a strong stance and a stern face. “Come on, Cody you’ve barely been out of your room this week and you have a checkup in two hours!” Charlie said. Cody grunted and pulled his blanket over his head. “Nope! You’re getting up.” Charlie said, pulling the sheets all the way off of him. He paused. “Are you growing your hair out?” He asked. Cody wrinkled his nose. “What? What do you mean?” He asked. Charlie sighed. “Nevermind, just get in the shower.” He said. He left the room and closed the door behind him.

Cody didn’t even bother laying back down, his state of tiredness had been disturbed and he was too annoyed to go back to it. He stumbled out of bed and headed off to the bathroom. He passed the mirror on the way to the shower and stopped.

What the hell?

He looked in the mirror and pulled at his hair in confusion. His hair was a mess, all over his face and past his shoulders. It was a far cry from his usual cut just past his chin.

That is definitely not normal.

He decided that he’d deal with it later and got in the shower. He started to feel better as soon as the water hit him. He definitely needed that. Though he was cleaner, he was still very tired.

He hobbled back to his room and got dressed in a t-shirt, basketball shorts, and his bomber jacket. He pulled his damp hair into a ponytail and grabbed his phone and crutches so he could leave.

"Good morning Cody." Chase said. "Hey Chase." Cody replied. "You sound very monotonous, that's unusual. Are you feeling alright?" Chase asked.

That's funny coming from him.

"Yeah I'm good, just tired." He said. Obviously he was far from good, but he didn't want to get into all of that right now.

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