Game time

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On Tuesday, Cody and Frankie were sitting on the bleachers in P.E. class, watching the other half of their classmates play volleyball.

"Ha! I knew you liked him, I bet at this rate you're probably the last person to know!" She teased him. Cody shot her a look of panic. "Oh shit, do you think he knows?" He asked.

Frankie thought for a moment and sucked her teeth. "Nah I don't think so." She said. "Are you sure?" Cody asked. "Yeah, he never really says anything to me about you." She said. "Oh…” He paused. “Do you think that maybe he could like me back?" Frankie shrugged. "You'll never know if you don't ask." She said. "But then if he says no that'll be so embarrassing." Cody moaned. "But what if he did like you and you never asked so he moved on?" Frankie said. "Ugh, stop making me think!" Cody said, holding his head in his hands. “It’s so weird, I’ve never liked anyone before. I never thought it’d be so time consuming.” he murmured. Frankie patted him on the back. “You’ll be fine, don’t be dramatic.” She said. “Wow thanks, that’s so helpful Frankie.” Cody replied sarcastically. “Glad I could be of your assistance Cody.” She joked.

After so much talking, the days up until Friday seemed to drag on endlessly. Cody also noticed that Seojun seemed to stare more and was slightly more quiet around him. That was worrying, but he never said anything negative, so it was probably fine. Right?

Friday came and Cody sat in front of his mirror again. School had just ended and the game started as six. In two hours, Cody was gonna go watch the football game. He wasn't much of a football guy, baseball was more his thing so he wasn't sure if he would know what was going on at any point, but he wanted to watch Seojun play so it'd probably be fine.

Was two hours enough to get ready for this? Sure it's just a game, but Seojun had asked him to come. There was no way he was going looking like a bum.

He took a shower and washed his hair twice and spent a lot of time picking out what to wear. The most he'd probably spent ever. God, he's really got it bad huh?

Eventually he settled on something. He wore his hair down with his bangs clipped behind his ears, clear lip gloss that Frankie lent him, and he wore a white sweatshirt with the school's logo on it, loose blue jeans, and white high tops. He put a silver ring on his right ring finger and a silver chain he borrowed from Kade. He smoothed his hair down and checked for wrinkles in his clothes about a million times before Frankie finally knocked on his door.

"Cody come on! We're gonna be late! What are you doing?" She said through the door. Cody rushed and grabbed his things and opened the door. "My bad, I was really distracted. I lost track of time!" He said. Frankie shook her head at him with a knowing smile. "Of course you did." She said. "At least I can tell some of that time went into getting yourself pretty." She said, flicking his forehead. "Ow! Come on Frankie." He said, pressing the inflicted area with his palm. She laughed out loud with her arms folded. "Come on, let's go."

Chase and Charlie drove them to the game and Cody was on the edge of his seat the entire time. "Relax some Cody, you're gonna see the game." Frankie half teased him. "Yeah I know that, which is why I can't relax." He said. "Why don't you try taking some deep breaths Cody? I've heard that works well." Chase suggested. "I'm good Chase, but thanks." Cody replied. "Are you sure?" Charlie asked. "Yeah dad, I'm fine." Cody confirmed nervously.

Cody and Frankie stepped out of the backseat once they reached the school. "Have a good time kids. Call me when the game's over." Charlie said.aid. “Yeah okay, bye dad.” Chase drove off and Frankie and Cody walked onto the football field. Since the other team was only allowed to stay until morning at most, Chief Burns was fine with Griffin Rock hosting games. They didn’t do it often though.

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