Origins: Part 1

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“Okay, here goes.” Seojun said shakily. “My family’s story starts on the planet of Arsinia where we’re from. My people are called Nyumals. Most of us have individual powers and we are about 1.5 times bigger than humans are and stronger too. Our planet also has a common language called Aresage that everyone speaks, and different home languages depending on where you go.” He started. Cody listened closely. He had thought of him having some kind of strange ability, but for some reason the thought of him being an alien never crossed his mind. He just seemed so human. Seojun looked up at him for his reaction and continued, feeling somewhat reassured by his expression.

“My family comes from the continent Golah, where people mostly look at you for who you have connections to. Your family, your clan, and on my mother’s side of the family, your dynasty.” He said. “There are fourteen clans in Golah. The Yunamis, Itarihs, Hitamis, Sirkans, Nurmans, Jungas, Umars, Wimahs, Deamers, Onakis, Zunagis, Emaris, Aimakis, and the Comals. Then there are nine dynasties on the planet, one for each continent. The Ains, the Yuns, the Huns, the Cors, the Errs, the Nuds, the Poms, the Gujs, and the Mins.” He said.

Cody scooted closer to the edge of his bed and leaned against the foot of it. “My Grandfather is Hojong Min, the Kodono or King of Golah, and My grandmother Yuna is from the Itarih clan, the second most powerful clan in Golah.” He said.

“Wait a minute, wait a minute, so what you’re saying is you’re a prince?” He asked. Seojun scratched his head uncomfortably, “Yeah, I guess so, it’s complicated though.” He said. “Why?” Cody asked. “Lots of reasons. I’ve never been to the palace, my grandfather denounced my mother, and because of who my father is.” He said. Cody nodded. “Oh. Well, tell me more.” He said enthusiastically.

Seojun nodded and continued. “My mam was basically set for life, sheltered, and very privileged. She barely knew anything about the world around her, all she did know was that she was her father’s least favorite. She was the youngest, and not part of my family’s power line.” He explained. “Power line?” Cody asked curiously.

Seojun nodded. “Yeah, the Min dynasty has a sort of mythology that started since the first of us came to power.” He said. “The Lylu and the Pakka. The Lylu is a sort of deity, they have extreme power over minds. They can control them, read them, and relax them. They can also see the memories of past Lylu to help them.” He said. “The Pakka is a beast. They have a second form, they grow taller by half of their height, their strength and senses are heightened, but they are less coherent in that form as they have less control over their own mind. They learn to control it better with time.” He explained.

“My mother was just a regular Nyumal child. My aunt Hina was four years older than her and was the Lylu, My uncle Umbatu was two years older than her and was the Pakka. They got along well, but mam always felt anxious at home. A lot of the time, she was on Earth visiting my Great-grandmother in South Korea.” He said.

It was like a lightbulb lit up above Cody’s head. “So that’s why you said you’re from there?” Cody asked. Seojun nodded. “Yeah. It was also the first place I’ve ever been on earth, but I’ll get into that more later.” He said.

“When My mam was eighteen, my grandfather married her off to a member of the Hitami clan, Josei. He was ten years older than her, and she didn’t want to do it, but she wanted her fathers approval, so she did. She had my quadruplet siblings when she was twenty. Their dad didn’t contribute much at all. He was always out at work or in the middle of the night, and three years into their marriage, she found out that he wasn’t working most of the time, he was with other women and he had five other children. After finding out, she left my siblings with my uncle and ran away to my great grandmother.” He said.

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