Slash - But Baby... I Need You

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While your boyfriend's band was on tour, you kept in contact with your boyfriend, Slash. They were almost ending their tour by where you were staying. You had gone up to see your mom and dad while they were in Vegas. It was going to be the perfect time to introduce Slash to them.

But phone call after phone call, he didn't pick up. Perhaps he was on his flight already. Or maybe they were shooting an interview. It couldn't have been drugs or alcohol. Saul clearly made a promise to you after he dozed out from in taking too much alcohol. But a promise could be easily broken, like the many promises he was going to break.

The hot morning air from Las Vegas hit you as you walked to your car to the store.

"Reports today: Rock band Guns N' Roses have arrived in Vegas today as fans swarm the stadium they are set to play in later this evening." The reporter said over the radio.

"I hear Slash's girlfriend is in Vegas as well." The female reporter spoke. "I'm sure she's not the only girl he's been seeing while on this tour."

"Yeah it seemed Mr. Hudson and that chick at the bar were getting a little too crazy with each other the other night in Oklahoma." The reporter implied.

"Other girl? What does he mean by that?" You asked yourself.

"Ah yes... he was. It's all over the headlines. I wonder what his girlfriend is feeling like right now. Poor thing." The reporter said in sympathy.

You quickly shut off the radio, and exiting your car into the cold store. There was a little magazine wall filled with what's been happening with celebrities. Your eyes scanned the wall until you found the magazine headlining Guns N Roses.

The cover was the five of them: Axl, Duff, Izzy, Steven, and Slash. You flipped through each page. There was pictures of Axl singing, the crowds showing off their Guns N' Roses merchandise, and small interviews at the bottom of the corner. You flipped to the next page, the page you wish you never saw.

There he was. Saul. Fucking. Hudson. Making out with some random chick, a bottle of beer in one hand while the other grabbed her waist.

You ran to the cashier to quickly pay for the magazine and rushed to where his band would be playing. You ran through the lines, fans cursing at you but you could care less.

You ran into Izzy after a long chase by security.

"No need to take her away fellas. She's a friend of mine." Izzy reassured the security guards.

"Iz- have you seen Slash anywhere." You asked out of breath.

"I have. He's in his dressing room..." He said slowly.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Axl smiled giving you a side hug. "What do you have in your hand?" He asked.

"This." You said in anger. You tore out the paper of Slash kissing that chick, and their smiles dropped.

"Do you know anything about this?" You asked, tears forming in your eyes.

Izzy looked away, avoiding eye contact while Axl fidgeted with his fingers.

"Boys please! I need to know."

"I think it'd be best if you talk to him instead." Izzy suggested.

You looked at Axl for a response, his eyes were filled with sorrow as he pointed to Slash's dressing room. Tears fell from your eyes, but you quickly stopped crying as you bursted through Slash's door.

"Who is it?" The drunken voice shouted.

There he was. His curly hair was all over his hair, while only wearing his shorts with his guitar around him.

"Y/N! Baby I've missed you!" He said attempting to hug you.

"Don't call me 'baby' or even try to hug me you asshole!" You snapped.

"Ba- Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mind explaining this." You said revealing the torn out page. He stared at the picture for a while, until he realized what you were talking about.

His whole body froze, a small sigh escaped from his mouth, as he stared at you with guilt in his eyes.

"I don't have all day Hudson! Who the fuck is she?" You asked, growing impatient by the second.

"She was a groupie I met backstage when we played over there. It didn't mean anything Y/N I swear!" He answered.

"Unbelievable." You muttered to yourself.

"Y/N! Please listen to me!" He pleaded.

"You said enough you asshole!" You threw the magazine in the floor and walked towards the door.

Slash ran ahead of you and blocked the door, his eyes filled with pure sadness and sorrow.

"Y/N, can we please just talk about this. I swear I can explain."

"No Saul! You messed with my feelings, and you made me look like a fool to the public! I can't do this anymore Saul!" You yelled.

"But baby... I need you." His voice broke, as tears slid down his face.

Although most of his hair covered his face, you saw his lips quiver as silent sobs escaped his mouth. His hands wiped the tears from his eyes. He looked like a small child crying the way he did, and it broke you even more. It was one of the first times you actually saw him cry.

"S-Slash, maybe one day we can see each other again, but I need some time by myself. And I think that's what we need. We need some time alone." You managed to speak out.

"I understand." He spoke softly.

"I don't know how long it'll take for me to forgive you, or if I'll ever forgive you, but you really hurt me." You said as he nodded.

"But for now this is goodbye Slash." You said as you closed the door.

Behind the door you heard glass bottles fall and break, followed by Slash scolding himself as you heard him rummaging through things.

As you walked the empty quiet hallways, you ran into Steven, his eyes filled with joy. "Hi Y/N. What's wrong." He asked, his eyes filled with concern.

"I guess you can say Slash and I are over." You explained.

"Oh shit-" His smiled dropped. "I'm sorry to hear that." He gave you his condolences.

"Can you do me a favor Steven?" You asked.


"Can you just make sure he's okay. I don't want him to go down the dark path he normally takes."

"I will, don't worry about it."

The need for Slash to get drunk or high was occupying his mind. Axl tried his best to get him to stop drinking, only to be cursed out by Slash as he downed another bottle of beer. Slash could barely leave the backstage area, but miraculously was able to play the rest of the show.

Each song sounded beautifully to the crowd, but to Slash, it burned his ears. Memories of you and him together  filled his mind. His eyes were filled with tears, but luckily his hair covered them. He played slower than usual, catching Steven off guard, which caused Duff to play out of tempo, which made Izzy's add ins sound off beat, and Axl sang very slowly, in hopes of making the band sound somewhat put together.

Slash finally gave up, and walked off stage, leaving everyone confused, even Axl, usually he was the one of who had to leave.

"Alright guys, our buddy Slash had to take care of some things, BUT we can cover some songs. Izzy, you wanna take the lead?" Axl's voice echoed through the large crowd.

Slash slammed his door closed, as he slowly walked to his bed. But why did it matter to him? You were just like every other chick he met. Or so he thought. You were the only one who truly believed in him, and when he had a supporter he wrecked it.

Realizing you were everything he had left, his left his sorrows to his old buddy, a bottle of Jack Daniels, and those drugs he said he'd never do again.

AHH, ok I have eight days left of school, so I'm pretty happy about that. Anyways does anyone know where I can send Duff fan mail? I've been wanting to but idk exactly how.

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