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I got up squinting. "Did I faint?"

"Actually, I thought you died." Yep, that was Elec. We heard a car coming to a halt -screeching. That was Irsia. "There I was. Pleased with my schedule. Went for a run, took a shower. Started my homework prompt on time. I had an eerie apprehension of why my schedule is undisrupted and right then like a siren I receive a call that you died."

I laughed at the misery of Irsia. I, once again, had ruined her schedule. "How did I end up in your car?" I asked, holding my head.

"Uhhhh... tsk tsk." Elec sighed. "Ever heard of faint walking?"

As Elec drove from school on the way, I saw Kyle Miller crossing the road with his new girlfriend, Sophie Garcia. I looked at them, like staring into the distance vaguely. 2 months ago, I bawled my eyes out on seeing them together. I remembered this Japanese word, "boketto", when I saw them. Boketto meaning -staring into the distance without thinking. Well, I was a paragon in the art of boketto. I could stare into the distance without thinking about anything for minutes. That was how I escaped my thoughts. That's how I had survived.

"You should have hit him that day, Walker," Elec mumbled. "Or you should have let me hit him or I could make a sharp turn and iron him down with my wheels."

"And what's the use of that...?"

"Your patience with him scares me."

A brief moment of silence passed us. Moments of silence in which I wasted away the words that appeared in my mind. I took a surreptitious look at my phone. My phone was still turned off. I dared not to turn it on. If I do, there would be at least twenty calls and fifty messages from strangers. I could get a new phone number, but for that I'd have to explain my mom why I needed a new phone number. I couldn't tell my friends about this. If I said, they'd confront Kyle. He was a Machiavellian. He would go miles of length to hurt them. I didn't want that for my friends.

"Are you sure? You don't want to go search Damon?"

I didn't reply. I didn't have the energy to even stand. I didn't know when my body would stop cooperating and if I pass out again, I'd be putting my friends in trouble. If I went and searched for him, I'd feel stupid. If I didn't search for him, I'd feel guilty.

"Walker?" Elec sounded concerned.

"No, I just want to go home." I paused. I felt reprehensive to say it, knowing that Damon could be lying somewhere or worse, but I said it anyway. "I need some rest."

As we neared my home, my stomach formed knots. I knew when I opened that goddamn gate there was no going back anywhere.

"You know Walker, we miss the old you."

"Oh my God!!" I had been a perpetual damsel in distress over the past few months and I didn't notice that it had an effect on my best friends. "I will be fine. Don't worry." I put as much sincerity as I could muster up.

I yanked out the car and walked toward the gate. When I crossed the hall and put my feet on the stairs to reach my room, I heard my mom's footsteps. I thought of running to my room. She caught me before I could even take a step further.

"Did you have lunch?" she interrogated. That was the only thing she knew. To ask questions. To corner me. That and to clean the house obsessively.

"Yes." I lied. She was concerned about me as well, but she could get on my nerves so easily.

Margo Fawn & the Contagious Missing Delirium - 1Where stories live. Discover now