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As I kept pondering, I went boketto looking out the window. I knew there was a colossal likelihood that I might ruin the friendship if I confronted him. I didn't know where that would leave Irsia and Aiden as well.

"Margo, you alright?" Aiden asked me, handing the cup of tea to Verena. 

"Did you scare her?" he asked Verena.

"Why don't you ask her?" Verena took a sip, eyeing me ever so nonchalantly as if she hadn't thrown a grenade.

"I am fine," I muttered, not wanting to look at him.

"So, Margo, you may be in danger. But the good news is, you can thwart the threat if you block the thoughts." She paused for another sip. "I can only give you one piece of advice on this. If you follow that, you'd be invulnerable."

"What is it?" Aiden and I asked simultaneously.

"You know what Aiden? Let me ask her the questions." I snapped in a prodigal incense prompted by her nonchalance.

"Fine. Chill."

Verena put the cup down on the table and sighed. "I know how hard things are for you." She patted me.

"Don't do that. Don't patronize me," I growled. "Just tell me what you want to say. The piece of advice, I mean."

"Well, that... since you can block your thoughts, I think you can block your emotions too."
I didn't answer her. I looked straight at her, not afraid to show the vagueness of where I stood with her explanation.

She continued, "I mean, you were probably scared of what you saw in that house." She pointed her hand in the direction of Auroville Villa. "But you can block your scary thoughts. If you do that, the ghost can't manipulate you or possess you. Manipulating you will be the first step if it ever decides to act on the connection that it had established over you. Your stand on cold feet, you are a step closer to giving your body to her."

"That is not terrifying at all."

"That is the exact emotion that I want you to block," she declared as she stood up. She was about to leave. I wanted to ask her something about Aiden, but I couldn't since he was hovering.

"So Verns, you were completely useless today." Why did boys always give nicknames?

I sat still thinking about how to ask her about the Aiden stuff.

"Can I have your phone number?" I came up with this brilliant idea. "You know, just in case I have any doubts." Writing down her number, I felt relieved. When I went home and went over the details, if at all, I wanted to make something clear, I could call her from my mom's phone. I stood up as she marched to the threshold of the room.

"And oh, Aiden..." She turned toward us near the door. "I wasn't completely useless. And as for Margo, now that I've told you what I know, you better decide for yourself what thoughts to block and what not to block. Hope you understand."

"Wait. Hold on." Aiden stopped her. "Is he with you?" he asked her in a hushed voice, and he looked around as if he was searching for someone invisible. A moment of realization washed over me. Did she bring her ghost friend with her?

She laughed aloud. "Yes, he is. And Aiden, even if you look hard; you can't find him. He is hiding." She was all chirpy now.

"So, you two are officially a thing?" he asked her in a teasing tone giving his head a jesting tilt.

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