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"Which is?" I asked, trying not to get my feet on the big stones near the school gate.

"Last night, she laid out a rule that I could never drop you home while she's alive." He exclaimed that he broke her rule. Boys are all about breaking rules, aren't they?

"Actually, you are walking with me." I pointed out, letting the breeze hug me.

"Technically." He nodded and gave a short chuckle. "But I am still breaking her rule."

"Yeah, you better not tell her about this. She would kill you," I replied to his confidence. He gave me a funny stare. "Are you sure you can walk till your home?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll take the short cut through the corn fields after your home. It's good to walk once in a while." He sounded energized.

We walked past the church, and I saw the leaves moving in the wind as if they were giggling. Short pulses of moving their vein, apex, and then the base. The short pulses that the dogs did, shaking the wetness off the body from head to tail, and when the shakes reached the tail, the shakes would become short, quick pulses. It was that kind of short, quick pulses that the leaves were moving. I think it was the influence of Damon on me. I smiled. Those movements of the leaves made me think that the leaves were happy about the wind and that they were happily giggling at each other. The branches looked like yawing ships in the sea. I remembered Aiden being quiet last night when I left Irsia's home. I had to apologize to him. He was the collateral damage in the drama. After all, the rumors were about Aiden and I.

"I am sorry," I blurted out. I knew he'd ask me why. He didn't seem to care about the rumors, but there was something that disturbed him last night.

He looked down at me with a frown. "For...?" he dragged.

"For all the gossips and rumours that you had to endure."

"Oh that..." He laughed. "I don't care about those. And I think many know that it isn't true."

"May be..." I sighed. "But still, it wasn't fair to you."

"Ohhh... Come on. It's fine. It's not your fault. But if you are still sorry you have to do something for me."

"No, I am not sorry anymore." I grunted mockingly.

"No no no... but you have to tell me something..." He intertwined his opposite fingers against each other and bent them against the other hand's knuckles, like he was praying. "Please," he said.

"What is it?" I chuckled, pushing a chunk of hair behind my right ear, and I saw his giant shadow. I knew he was tall, but the evening sun made the shadow on his right a giant.

"What were you thinking when you were looking up at the mayflower tree?"

I closed my eyes for a second in embarrassment and uttered, "Aiden... only you can ask such questions..." I had to yell a little because of the noisy truck that passed us by.

"Oh! Come on!" He had to yell too. "I'm confident it would be unshakably interesting."

"Well, if you insist. But if it turns out to be cheesy, you should let it go this minute and you are not to mock me for it." I warned him with my index finger pointed.

He placed his closed right fist across the left side of his chest and pledged, "never."

As we reached the Freezing Point, a sudden craving took over me. I wanted a butterscotch.

Margo Fawn & the Contagious Missing Delirium - 1Where stories live. Discover now