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"So... now what?" Irsia sunk back into the arm roll sofa. "Hey... why don't we study for math test?"

Elec and I gave her a stare. She sat quiet for like five seconds, and then she rose up with a sharp gasp. "Margo?"

"What?" I bleated. I had just closed my eyes and begun to slowly block my thoughts of what had happened, but yeah... just like every time there had to be someone who disturbed me just when I began doing something useful.

"Grouse all you want but how are you going to explain to your mother about your absence?"

"What have I done?" I quavered, panicking. I just thought I was free of the problems for one second and then new ones started to surface.

"Don't panic. I have an idea." Elec always had ideas, but sometimes they were scary.

"What?" I was picking the nail polish off my nails in anxiety.

"You have to go to your room through your window." She was sitting with her legs stretched over the chair opposite to her. Exhausted but oozing cool.

"I thought you were going say something like that."

"Do you have a better idea?" she challenged, folding her legs and bringing them down in an unfazed mien.

The plan was to climb to my window with a ladder that was in our lawn. We used that when we needed to climb up the terrace to clean the terrace after a storm. The problem was that I hated climbing the ladder. What if I misplaced my foot into the space between the rungs and slip? 

I opened the gate like a church mouse and ran like a ninja to the ladder. I raised the heavy thing holding my breath. It was unwieldy to my trembling hands at first, but then gave away to my restive endeavor. As I leaned it against the wall, I let out a loud breath, which I regretted by closing my mouth with my fist.

I also regretted asking Elec and Irsia not to come with me. I had to do it alone. I knew Irsia and Elec watched me from Elec's window and knew to call an ambulance or the fire service if I misplaced my foot or started crying in the middle of my clambering because my dress got caught in some rung. I climbed one-step at a time breathing in and out and as I reached my window, I pushed my body inside the window and fell inside my room with a loud thud. Shit. I shut the window and ran to my laptop to sit there. I acted cool in case my mom decided to walk in the exact moment I fell into my room.

There was no sign of her. I took a moment to catch my breath and I remembered that my phone was still under my bed and that brought the thoughts that I shouldn't exactly be thinking. I slapped myself not to think about it. I needed to think of something else. I leaned back to see if Elec and Irsia were looking into my room. They weren't. Now, I had three things to do. 1. I had to block the thoughts (Hard). 2. I needed to get my phone back (Harder). 3. I had to inform my mom that we were having a sleep over at Elec's house (Hardest).

So I was in the clear if I blocked my thoughts, but if I didn't do it properly, or any sooner, I'd put my friends in danger. I had to go downstairs and declare to my mom that I'd be sleeping at Elec's and I had to grab a torch light from my dad's things. As I climbed down the stairs, I saw my mom watching TV, which cleared the doubt that she couldn't have come upstairs to check on me for the past hour.

"Elec is having a sleep over, mom. I'm going to her house after dinner," I declared.


"I said I'm going to Elec's house for a sleep over," I said a little louder; thinking she didn't hear me.

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