[ Chapter 40 ]

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It was quiet, the trainees behind you were silently following you and Levi as he guided you to a small body of water within the forest. 

"So Armin will distract them, and well jump them right after?" You repeated the initial plan to your brother as he adjusted his gear. Levi simply nodded in response. "The rest will be hiding somewhere else, we'll climb into these trees to cover Armin from above." You shrugged and kicked your foot against a small pebble and watched it create a small circle in the water when it dropped there with a small splash. "Sounds like a solid plan."  Levi turned away from you to give his orders to the rest who scurried off somewhere immediately after. 

Armin, who stood next to you, shivered a little which you noticed. You placed a careful hand on his shaking shoulder. "Hey, no need to be nervous, I'll be right here if you need me, Levi too." You said to him, trying to at least calm a little bit of his nerves. Armin swallowed, nodding frantically. "I know! I just-" he sighed. 

Levi looked at you and pointed to the sky. "Time to put this plan in action. Armin, go to the pond and make some noise thatll point them this way. Got it?" Your brother ordered the blond teen. "Yessir!" Armin saluted before going his own way.

You pet the harsh bark of a large tree with your gloved hand. "Should be easy enough." You said to yourself, grabbing onto the tree with your hands, hauling yourself up and taking large steps until you were standing on a large branch, hidden from sight.

"You need a ha-" Levi asked before he saw you were already climbing a tree. He sighed and shot the hooks of his 3DMG onto the thicker branches of the tree on the other side of the one you were hiding in and propelled himself up instead of climbing it like you did. 

"Since when did you get so agile?" he asked you in a softer voice from his place as he landed in a crouching position. You pulled your shoulders up casually. "You learn a thing or two outside the walls without 3DMG" you answered jokingly. 

Levi however didn't seem to think it was a joke as he looked away, frown plastered on his face. He fumbled with his gear and pulled out his swords, trying to distract himself from your words. You noticed, but didn't say anything. Focusing your gaze onto the ground below, seeing how Armin was filling a bucket up with water, his cloak covering his identity. 

Not so short after, you could hear two pairs of footsteps from somewhere underneath, one softer and more careful than the other. 

"Don't move!" Yelled a voice to Armin, which definitely belonged to a male Military Police soldier. You turned your head to meet Levis gaze, motioning for you to wait for his signal. 

"Slowly turn this way." He ordered with his gun pointed at the younger Scout, a female soldier right at his side. You leaned over to analyse the two from your hiding place in the tree. They seemed somewhat confident, however the stance of the man was faltering a little bit which indicated hesitance. How peculiar.

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