[ Chapter 25 ]

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You sat on your horse, looking at the huge gate in front of you. The whole Survey Corps were all anxiously waiting in Karanese District, waiting for the gate to open and begin the 57th expedition. Next to you was Armin, who was shaking a little, gripping the reigns of his horse tightly.

"Commander! It's time! Titans in the vicinity are being kept away! 30

seconds till the gate opens!" A soldier from up the tall walls shouted downwards.

"At last! Mankind is about to make another step forwad! Show the results of your training! Open the gate! The 57th expeditions to the lands outside the walls, start! Advance!"


Your horse galloped in the wind, your cloak flowing freely behind you. You kept Armin in your sight, Jean next to you. After a while and a couple of red flares, the formation was still in disarray.

Armin suddenly stopped his horse, staring in the lands where a Titan was taken care of. You stopped your horse next to him, giving him a look. "C'mon Arlert, we gotta go back in form-" Before you could even finish your sentence, a Titan came out of no where.


"Fuck Armin we gotta go" You said, kicking your horse slightly to make her go faster. Armin shot a black flare in the air, looking at the people who were killed by the female Titan's hands. His eyes widened, going after you, trying to catch up.

"You think what I'm thinking?" You asked, looking in Armin's frightened blue eyes. He gulped. "She has intelligence, she's just like Eren! Oh god, she's gonna kill us like she killed the others! why is this happening?" He said, his eyes widened and his body shaking from fear.

"No Armin that's not happening!" You gritted your teeth, noticing that Annie was catching up to you both. You shot her your deathliest glare, hoping she'd see it. Suddenly a leg was above you, Annie brought her foot down and stomped on the ground next to your horses.

Both you and Armin fell of your horses, hitting the ground. Armin fell right in front of Annie while you flew a couple of meters further away. You groaned, getting up on your legs again, cursing as your horses ran away from fear.

You ran to Armin, just as she was lifting his hood up. "Fuck Armin, move!" You yelled at him, grabbing a sword from your 3DMG. But before you could reach him, Annie already ran away. You sighed in relief, helping Armin up. "You alright?" You asked, he looked as pale as paper. He nodded shakily. "She grabbed my hood... my face? She wanted to take a look at my face?"

'Does she have a soft spot for Armin, huh?' You scoffed.

"I know Armin, that means she knows you and doesn't want to hurt you without a reason" You said, patting the blonde's head carefully, awkwardly trying to comfort him. He gasped.

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