Chapter 7

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Aurora woke up to Fred poking her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open to then see George on her other side, peering down at her.

"What are you two up to?,"she asked warily.

Both of them just looked at each other and a wide grin spread on each of their faces.

"So we were thinking...,"Fred started.

"A dangerous concept to say the least,"Aurora interrupted.

"No Rory seriously! We were thinking and we both decided how bloody brilliant it would be to go for a swim at midnight. It's only September and the weather is still warm enough,"George beamed.

"Yeah, I agree,"Fred nodded.

She furrowed her brows at them. Utterly confused at the idea (today was Thursday, she thought) and they all had school in the morning. She raised herself onto her elbows.

The lack of light peering in through her windows coaxed Aurora to realisation. Her muggle alarm clock on her nightstand further confirmed her suspicions.


"Are you serious?! I've only been asleep for three hours and you two bloody idiots wake me!,"she snapped.

"Well it's still technically Wednesday if that helps,"Fred added.

Fred looked at George, who was like himself, very much afraid of a sleep deprived Aurora Jenkins. They both looked at her with pleading faces. This earned a defeated huff from Aurora.

"Fine then, grab me a swimsuit from the bottom drawer,"she said nodding at her drawers.

Fred hurried over and pulled it open. He rummaged through it slightly until turning back around to Aurora and George, a red swimsuit in one hand and a royal blue in another.

"Red or Blue?,"he asked seriously.

"Red," Aurora and George said simultaneously.

"Great minds Weasel,"Aurora said.

George sent Aurora a quick grin and then snatched the red one from Fred, passing it to Aurora.

"Meet you downstairs in five, yeah?,"Fred asked while himself and his twin walked out of her dorm.

Aurora was about to answer when she finally noticed Ginny and Hermione's empty beds.

"Yeah but where is everyone else?,"she asked.

"Waiting, hurry on will you,"George finished shutting the door.

Aurora got up and walked over to her drawers. She was putting the blue swimsuit back when a certain piece caught her eye.

Her matte black one-piece swimsuit stared back at her. She had never been one for black but she thought it was a right shame to let it go to waste. Probably wouldn't fit her this summer anyway.

With that, she snatched the black one from the drawer and pulled off her T-shirt and shorts. Once she put it on, Aurora pulled out her Mothers old robes. They were warm and comfortable, perfect for such an evening. She threw the heavy piece of clothing over her shoulders and headed down to meet the others.

The rest of the group were dressed similarly, black robes, except for Harry who stood with his invisibility cloak in hand.

"About bloody time too,"Ron huffed.

"Sorry Ronniekins, did I keep you waiting from seeing Hermione in a bikini?,"Aurora cooed.

Ron's face went nearly the same colour as his hair when the words left her mouth.

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