Chapter 56

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A month had passed and everything was the same but still so different. Draco was practically living in the Room of Requirement tending to the cabinet. He told Theo of his plan to use something living, and test if it came back alive or dead. To Theo's relief, he suggested a bird or a mouse and not someone from Gryffindor house.

His father had begun writing more regularly. Asking about their progress, the cabinet, the mood, the atmosphere. Although Theo claimed everything to seem normal, he was lying. A dark cloud, an ambience almost, lay over the castle. The nights seemed darker, and the mood only mirrored this.

He knew the time was near, and it made him sick to his stomach. He woke every morning and stood in front of the mirror to look at himself, his sleeve rolled up, revealing the ugly black mass that resided there. To remind him of who he was, who he was pledged to, what he was destined to become. And every morning, he promised himself he would deny all of it. He wouldn't become that person. He couldn't. Not if he wanted to keep her.

And she was everything.

Every time she'd walk past, and give him that small cheeky grin that sent Weasley twins eyes glaring at him, his heart warmed more and more. They had been on one or two dates. Since she was actively "getting to know him". May as well make it look real, he thought. It obviously worked, because it even caught Malfoy's attention.

"What's the deal with her anyway?,"Draco asked as he sipped his Firewhiskey in front of the fire.

Theo stilled, he hated when Draco spoke about her.

"With who?,"he asked, acting uninterested to deter Malfoy from pushing further.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"Oh piss off Nott. That Jenkins? I mean, don't get me wrong I don't blame you for....,"he started.

"Get to the point Malfoy,"Theo commanded.

Draco sighed.

"I remember the stunts that little wench pulled last year....."

Theo slammed his glass onto the table.

"Get. To. The. Point. Malfoy,"he said angrily.

Draco smirked.

"It's true then. Huh, didn't see it coming if I'm being completely honest. She's—, she's a Gryffindor. And not to mention friends with Potter? Do you not think this will get complicated, you know? When everything comes to pass?,"he asked, his tone genuine, which shocked Theo slightly.

Theo thought for a moment. How to throw him off? What to say? Then it hit him.

"Exactly, she's friends with Potter,"he said raising his eyebrow.

Draco's mouth dropped open.

"You're a genius. You're using her for information?,"he asked, gobsmacked.

Theo remained quiet for a moment.

"I wouldn't say using, just letting her get close,"he said nonchalantly.

Draco shook his head in disbelief.

"Well then, didn't know you had it in you,"he said, holding up his glass for Theo to raise his own.

He lifted his glass and clinked it off Malfoy's.

"There's a lot about me you don't know Malfoy,"he said, nearly grinning. This was perfect.

Draco nodded.

"Indeed. Well, I'll see you later to work on the cabinet. In the meantime, Parkinson is waiting for me in her dorm,"he said, sipping the last of his drink before slithering up the stairs.

Always : Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now