Chapter 46

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They landed onto the floor in Dumbledore's office. The sounds of their palms slapping against the floor upon landing and their heavy breathing were the only sounds made in the room for quite some time.

They were in shock.

Aurora looked to Harry, who's eyes were full of tears that were threatening to fall.

"Oh Harry,"she sobbed, pulling the boy towards her.

He grasped onto her tightly, his cries becoming harder and harder.

"He was all I had left Rory,"he cried.

Aurora's already broken heart, broke even more.

"Harry you have me. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere,"she said, smoothing his tussled hair.

They sat there together on the floor and cried for what seemed like hours. Aurora went numb after a while, but the tears kept coming from Harry's eyes. They were never ending. The life that Bellatrix had taken had meant so much to both of them, his absence was nothing short of agonising.

He looked up at her through puffy red eyes.

"Please don't feel like you have to protect me or anything else just because that stupid prophecy said so,"he said in a deadpan tone.

Aurora regarded him for a moment or two.

"Never let me hear you say that again,"she warned, and he nodded.

"Speaking of which,"he sniffed.

Aurora watched as Harry pulled the spherical ball from his pocket and her eyes widened.

Just as she was about to take it, Dumbledore apparated into the room. He gave the pair a pitiful, sorrowful look.

"I'm so sorry,"he said, dropping his head.

His eyes caught sight of the orb in Harry's hand.

"What does it say?,"he asked eagerly.

Harry held it like he had before, and the chilling, whispering voice returned and gave the exact same prediction as it had in the dark corridors of the Ministry.

Dumbledore looked stunned. Slightly horrified even. Aurora took note of the strange shift in energy within the older man.

"I see....,"he said as he pondered.

"Well, we know the pair it speaks of is you and You Know Who Harry, and as for the girl with great power, well, I hardly need to explain further,"he said gesturing to Aurora.

Aurora thought for a moment.

"Is it true thought Sir, are prophecies always correct?,"she asked.

Dumbledore shot her a solemn look.

"I'm afraid so Miss Jenkins,"he admitted.

Aurora thought for a moment. She remembered the prophecy's prediction.

"A girl with great power will meet him on the cobblestones and one shall remain there forevermore."

Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Harry, would you wait outside for a minute I need to speak with Aurora here,"the old man said with a forced smile.

Harry left the room still sniffling back his tears.

Aurora stood there, unmoving.

"I don't need to tell you what this means,"he said.

Aurora tilted her head.

"Sir, I understand you and the other members of the order had asked me to look out for Harry. I never realised I'd hear a prophecy charging me with the duty as well. And who is this "him" I'm supposed to be meeting on the cobblestones? I-I don't understand,"she rambled.

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