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ok ok lets be honest, I don't need to do a random event this episode because the drama is so fucking good LMAOO

"Well you guys, that was a great move."

When everyone got back to camp, Vytas smirked a bit, clapping his hands. It was pitch black outside and Sophia could care less about any fighting, she just wanted to sleep.

"As a fan of the show, Aras did not see that coming, and neither did I. So congratulations, that was awesome." Sophia frowned a bit, walking up to Vytas and wrapped her arms around his torso. Compared to him, she felt so small.

"Well, I can't keep my mouth shut," started Tina, "so I've gotta say something. Bravo to you, that was a great move. Monica, Sophia, and Tyson, you won the battle, but you didn't win the war." Sophia had zero idea why she was involved in that list of names.

Yes, she voted Aras out, but so did like, 9 other people. Go after them instead.

"That's because you've got 5 jury votes that you will never get," Tina spoke with an insincere smile. "For flipping."

Sophia was ticked off, "Hey, Tina?" Tina looked at her, "You, Katie, and Vytas pushed us out. That's not my fault."

"I didn't push anyone out," argued Vytas.

"Well, that was Aras's plan."

"I don't know that that was his plan," Tina responded, "but the thing is that you all were never in the alliance."

"That's not true," Ciera stated, "I had an alliance with Aras."

"So did I," Laura said.

"Same with me."

"He had an alliance with everybody, Tina." Sophia looked at her surprised smile.

"We felt like the top three. There was one person flipping on everyone, now he's out of the game." Tyson said, getting closer to Tina, "you need to understand that you accused me of something I'm not guilty of."

Silence then covered the tribe like a blanket, until Sophia cleared her throat. A few heads turned to her while everyone else looked down.

"Sorry—uh... Cody? Come cuddle with me."


"Come on in, guys!"

Everyone stood in a line side by side, smiles on all of their faces.

"You guys ready to get to today's immunity challenge?" everyone nodded, "first, Vytas, I'll take it back."

Jeff walked toward Vytas and unclipped the necklace from his neck, then took it back to the stand, where he leaned his arm on it and smirked.

"Immunity is back up for grabs," he announced, "today you'll be participating in a Survivor classic, this goes back to season one. Gervase was apart of it. This is a food eating competition in which you will race to get down local delicacies. You'll compete in a series of elimination rounds, last person left standing wins immunity."

This would most likely be easy for Sophia, considering she had to eat Cody's terrible cooking often.

Tyson, Vytas, Monica, Katie, Laura, and Cody were all in the first round.

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